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"No! Of course I'm not!" Nick replied defensively, clearly still hiding something.

"Then show me the tab you just closed." I countered, taking a few quick strides forward to lean against the desk.

"W-why would I do that?" He asked, turning to look at me, his hand firmly grasped around the mouse, as to avoid me taking it.

I paused for a moment, thinking to bring up what had happened only a few hours earlier, and how he probably owed me an explanation, before deciding to approach in a gentler manner.

"I know this may feel like salt in the wound bringing this up, but you really fucked up today. I feel I deserve an explanation to why you did what you did."

He nodded, gesturing to take a seat on the couch behind us, whilst he flicked off the PC. He joined me, turning his body slightly so he could look directly at me.

"Look, I regret what I did - trying to kiss you and all - and I know I cannot undo it. I've liked you for a while now, and even before we started talking, I always found you... intriguing, to say the least. I think my friends all knew. Being so intimate in the store got me flustered, I suppose, and I acted irrationally."

I took this all in. Obviously he liked me, at least a little, to promise a date if Wilbur responded, but it came across as some kind of joke at first - a dare from his friends. Of course Wilbur wasn't going to reply to him. But now I realised he has it bad. Maybe he regretted hedging his bets on Wilbur.

Now I kind of felt like a jerk, for playing with his feelings. For letting him take me out on what was essentially a date, and for leading him on.

"God, now I feel terrible." He looked at me confusedly, he thought this whole mess was entirely his fault. "I lead you on. I let you take me on a date. If I had said no, we'd still be sitting under the elm tree, sharing liquorice and music suggestions."

"So we both fucked up," he replied, chuckling when I did the same.

There was a pause, not necessarily an awkward one, just a break in conversation, where the two of us mulled over what just happened. Beside me, Nick stood up and walked back over to the desk, flicking the PC back on.

"Do you want to know what I was doing?" He asked, swivelling in his seat to face me, and grabbing a fold-out chair from beside his desk when I nodded eagerly.

He set up the chair next to him, and opened a tab on his desktop. I had never seen the software before, but the icon looked like a little robot-alien-monster. I soon realised he was scrolling through a messaging thread, not taking too much notice of the messages or names.

My eyes darted to the top of the screen, and my jaw fell agape when I realised what this was. The messaging thread I was looking at was shared between Nick and Wilbur Soot.

"How?" I asked, still in slight shock, that he had managed this.

"Well, this whole setup," he began, gesturing around the room at various posters and mini figures from many well-known video games, "is my gaming room!"

"Yeah. no shit." I replied, still not understanding what he was implying.

"I am a professional streamer. I get paid to play video games. I know Wilbur personally because we play Minecraft together." He explained, like this was the simplest of things to hear.

"What? You know Wilbur. You speak to him regularly. For your job. And you didn't tell me?" 

I was shocked. How had I not realised? How had he not told me?!

"You are the only person from school who knows." He responded bluntly, not even blinking.

"And you've entrusted me, the person sitting right in front of you, with all of this." My words came out as barely a squeak.

"Yep." He responded, somehow blunter than before.


"I kinda like you a little bit. Also, I spoke to Wilbur, when suits you best for guitar lessons? I wanna get that out of the way as quickly as possible, so I can take you out on a date."

I didn't even think, or pause, in that moment. As soon as he finished speaking, I pulled his head to mine and connected our lips. Slowly, I pulled away, keeping my eyes closed in an attempt to avoid embarrassment.

I felt foolish until Nick's breath tickled my cheek, letting me know he was still there. I reopened my eyes and connected them with his, the chestnut colour magnetic. I watched as they darted back down to my lips, my heart hammering in my ears as he reconnected the two of us.

Instinctively, I pulled myself closer to him, my arms around his shoulders playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, whilst his sat around my waist. He repositioned himself slightly, angling his head so our noses didn't clash. 

The smell of his cologne had never been so prominent until now, its musk gently mixing in with the cleaner one of the room. Slowly, we pulled apart again, our eyes connecting for an instant before I rest my head on his chest.

He repositioned his hands to wrap them around me fully, pulling me closer - if even possible - we sat there for a moment, once again taking in what just happened, when a voice drifted from downstairs.

"Y/N, Nick! Dinner's just about ready, come on down and join us!" Diana shouted out, causing us both to sit bolt upright. We had completely forgotten our parents were just downstairs. 

I pulled myself up from Nick's lap, sighing contently in his presence. I grabbed my phone from the desk beside me and used the reflection to fix my hair into a neater state, before opening the door and gesturing for him to head out first.

Just before Nick left, I grabbed his hand.

"About those guitar lessons," I began as Nick turned on his heel to face me, "I'll get a lift here, pick me up Tuesday after school, 5 o'clock."

He nodded as I took a step closer to him, standing on my toes to plan a kiss on his cheek, before closing the door behind us and walking down the stairs, leaving Nick mildly flustered.

Smells Like Trouble (Sapnap x Reader) // DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now