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After the emotional rollercoaster that was Sunday morning, Nick and I decided it was probably best to part ways - not before we grabbed something quick to eat from inside. After Nick dropped me home I curled into a ball under my blankets and fell asleep. It's amazing how tiring it is to experience so many different emotions in such a quick concession.

I slept through until about seven when dad came inside with some dinner. Despite still being pissed at him, I graciously accepted the plate before promptly inhaling its contents. After I had finished, I realized how bad I smelled. My hair desperately needed a wash and I knew for a fact that my face would be covered in the remnants of the makeup I had applied earlier that morning.

I placed my plate in the sink - if it was still there when I woke up in the morning, then I would deal with it - before heading into the bathroom, grabbing a hoodie and some track pants to change into once I was clean. 

After I had changed, showered, and shaved (my legs desperately needed doing), I towel-dried my hair absent-mindedly, Wilbur Soot playing through my headphones. Before long I found myself growing tired again and threw my towel to the side. I removed my headphones before plugging my phone in and crashing my head into the pillow, falling asleep almost instantly.


When I woke up the following morning I knew I was going to be late for school, no matter how much I rushed myself in the next half hour or so. Regardless, I had some pace as I went about my morning, following my usual routine with the addition of faking my dad's handwriting in the form of a note, to avoid detention.

Ordinarily, I wouldn't bother. I'm late to enough classes as it is, half the time my teachers don't bother trying to get me to their classes on top. However, if today just so happened to be the day I had a sub, I did not want to deal with a lunchtime detention today.

Once I was ready, I grabbed my bag and began my walk to school. Dad had left earlier that morning, I presume he had gone to spend the day with Nick's parents rather than the usual bottle of booze. Keeping my pace quick, the walk to school breezed past and I found myself at the front gates in no time.

I jogged into the main school building, before heading quickly to admin. The note I handed Shannon, who sat behind the desk today, seemed to surprise her. As a result, she handed me a late slip, rather than a detention notice.

"Luckily for you, your usual teacher is here. No detention today Miss L/N."

Shannon had always been nice, a little formal at times, but I did appreciate that she never asked questions, despite my somewhat checkered past. I dismissed her with a quick smile, which she happily returned, before turning on my heel and heading towards my classroom.

Fortunately enough, when I finally did enter the classroom I noticed two things. Firstly, the class was nearly over, meaning it wouldn't be long before I could head out to the elm tree. Secondly, Nick was here. When I walked into class he raised his eyebrows, stressing his concern before refocusing his attention on our teacher.

"Thank you for gracing us with your presence today, Miss L/N." Our teacher said as I slid into my chair, placing my bag on the ground and facing her.

"No problem," I replied coolly, grabbing a book and a pencil from my bag.

"I'm sure your partner will fill you in on this after class, but you have a project to work on. I won't explain everything to you now, but if you need more information, speak to me after class when you grab the task sheet."

Project? I had no idea we had a project. 'Suppose I never really paid much attention though.

"Who's my partner?" I asked, curiosity getting the best of me.

"Nick said he didn't mind filling you in, so I thought that would work well - you two have been getting along recently as well." She responded, gesturing to Nick who turned to face me before she returned to her usual discussion about American history.

After about 15 minutes or so, the bell rang out, dismissing us all from class. I took my time packing my bag -  I figured it was worthwhile speaking to my teacher, as flunking this assignment would mean Nick did too. Just as I thought he would, Nick also hung behind, waiting for me to leave so he could join me at the elm tree. 

I walked up to our teacher's desk, where she handed me the task sheet and ran through a brief explanation of the assignment, before bidding her goodbye and joining Nick in the hallway.

"I'm sorry about yesterday." Nick began, "I feel like it was partly my fault, you being that upset."

"Stop that," I replied, looking at the floor as I walked beside Nick through the hallways.

"What?" He replied, evidently confused.

"My emotions are not your fault. Sure, you helped me realise how I feel, but the fact that you've done that doesn't make me any more or less upset, and doesn't make my dad any more or less of an asshole."

Instead of responding, Nick grinned at my words, linking his arm through mine as he continued our walk through the hallway, catching more than a few glances from passing students.

"I was thinking," Nick began. As much as I liked him, those three words coming from his mouth never resulted in anything good. "Why don't you come and sit with my friends today? Try to put yourself out there a bit more?"

I began to shake my head. Nick was a good kid, and I got along with him, but I know what those other kids say about me. I didn't want to deal with that today.

"C'mon, they're not that bad. Besides, I know for a fact that they'll think your as funny as I do. They'll like you!" Nick insisted, he turned to me with pleading eyes. No matter how many times I saw that look, I'd never be able to say no.

As soon as I began to nod, Nick pulled me away from the exit sign, and we began to head to the cafeteria. 

Smells Like Trouble (Sapnap x Reader) // DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now