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Light fringed through the darkness as sleep began to ebb away from the edge of my vision. When I rolled over, turning to face my left, I noticed my phone was still unlocked, sitting on life support, with headphones attached.

Putting one of the buds in my left ear, I realised what had happened - I had fallen asleep watching Nick's streams.  Chuckling to myself slightly, I checked the time. It was about 6 o'clock, I must have fallen asleep early, because there's no way I could have woken up at this time otherwise.

Sitting up fully, I stretched my arms, yawning as I did so, and finally shaking the last of the recent sleep from my system. Nick had said he would pick me up early, meaning there was probably a chance we'd get something to eat together. Still, my stomach grumbled angrily at the idea of not eating now, so I decided to have something small to eat.

I placed my phone on charge before walking into the kitchen, immediately realising Dad must have gone shopping yesterday. The fridge was about as full as ever, and there was a small pile of apples in the basket on the bench.

Pulling out a knife and a chopping board, I decided that's what I would eat. I cut up some fruit, before putting it in a bowl, and took a seat at the bench. Happily, my body accepted food, requiring the energy.

Before leaving, I cleaned the bowl, leaving it in the drying rack to deal with later. Realising I hadn't showered in a few days, I decided that should be the next thing to do. I grabbed my towel and headed into the bathroom, running the hot water and jumping in to escape the cool air. 

I let the water run over my body and warm me up, before beginning my regular routine, shampoo, conditioner, soap, clean my face and shave (hadn't done that in a while). Once clean, I flicked off the water and grabbed my towel, using it to remove any watery residue, before wrapping it around me and ducking back into my room.

I wasn't surprised to find myself struggling to choose an outfit that morning. The prospects of seeing Nick today excited me, and although I knew he wouldn't care what I wore, I felt I had to impress him for this almost-date.

After many attempts at locating something slightly out-of-the-ordinary for me to wear, I finally found something interesting - a skirt. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against skirts. They're actually comfortable to wear. I just hadn't worn one in so long, the idea felt alien to me.

The skirt itself was plain black - simple and could be worn with anything - at sat about halfway up my thigh. When pulling it on, I felt naked. I decided to counter this by wearing some slightly ripped fishnets underneath. 

As for a shirt, I grabbed an old one of mine, a long sleeved turtle neck with some small embroidered details at the bottom of the sleeves.  Pulling it on, I decided to wear it tucked-in. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I was surprised.

Without the usual baggy clothes, I actually looked alright. Some might even say attractive. For a final touch, I grabbed my backpack and chucked my phone in (along with some house keys, spare change and a water bottle), and pulled the entire thing together with my black Converse.

 I gave myself a final once over in the mirror before checking the time - it was now quarter to nine. I expected Nick would arrive any minute, so I decided to let dad know I was going. Sticking my head in through a crack in his doorway, I shouted out to him.

"Morning Dad!" He groaned in response, I felt bad waking him but he probably needed to get his day started soon. "Just letting you know I'm about to leave to hang out with Nick!"

He sat up, propping himself against the bedhead.

"Where?" He replied, sleep still clearly prominent in his voice.

"I don't know where, but I'll be back later today, okay?" I replied, opening the door fully now that he was awake.

"Just promise me something. If he tries to hold your hand, slap it away."

As he spoke, I heard a car pull up out front. I grinned at Dad before bidding my goodbyes and heading out the door. Nick was now standing leaning against his car. As I closed the door, I turned to face him, trying to gauge his reaction to the lack of jeans I wore.

I walked up to the car and greeted him with an embrace, which he returned gladly.

"You look nice today," Nick said, smiling as he let me into the car.

"Thought I'd try something new," I replied, matching his grin as I asked the question I had been dying to ask for the past three hours. "Where are we going?"

"I figured you probably haven't had much to eat this morning." He began as he turned off our street onto the main road, "I thought we could get some breakfast, then maybe, if you're up for it, you might want to meet some of my gaming friends."

That was not what I was expecting. Breakfast sounded awesome, and of course I wanted to meet some of his gaming friends. But, I had literally found out about the whole streaming thing 2 days ago.

"I'm up for it, but are you sure it's not too soon? I mean, you told me about your streaming carrier for the first time on Friday, and I'm the first person you've ever told about it." Before I could ramble further, Nick leaned over and grabbed my hand.

"Y/N, I'm sure it's fine. I wouldn't have suggested it if I wasn't fine with you talking to them. And before you say anything else, it will be off camera. I'm not introducing you to my stream today." 

He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, before turning back to face the road. He pulled my hand to sit, linked in his, on top of the centre console for the rest of the drive.

Smells Like Trouble (Sapnap x Reader) // DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now