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Nick and I turned back around and ran to his car, faster than either of us ever had before. Sure, it wasn't that far, and sure, we probably weren't running that fast - but by the time our backs hit the seats and we buckled the seatbelts, we were both panting.

"So," Nick began, turning to face me as he spoke, "where to first?"

It wasn't until now that I realized I hadn't told Nick about any of my deals. He probably wondered how on earth Dad could afford to pay for a house, food, and electricity - even if we were living in a complete shithole of a house - without a job.

Now seemed like the perfect time to bring it up. It seemed to me like Nick couldn't care less about how I made my money, he just wanted to give some kind of metaphorical middle finger to the world.

"I'm not gonna explain everything to you right now," I figured this was the best way to start... maybe we could move on to sober thoughts when we're completely stoned in a few hours.

"That's fine," he replied, "I don't wanna pry, just tell me where to drive, and let's get going."

As much as I hate to say it, hearing those words and looking into his eyes made me want to give in so badly. To just get down in the back seat. I knew that would be stupid though and would make this entire ploy to prove everyone wrong pointless. 

I would just end up doing the exact opposite, proving them right by letting Nick inside of me. Instead, I pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, before leaning in so my mouth hovered just over his ear, "thank you," I whispered, before turning back to face the road and rattling off directions to my usual hiding spot.

As Nick turned on the ignition, I glanced in his direction. The ghost of a smile danced on his lips, and I realized there was no way in hell that any of those rumors could be true about this boy. 

This was the first person who had the misfortune of being tied up in the fuck-up of a life I lived who genuinely cared. Genuinely cared about me, about my Dad, all of this absolute shit show. And I think I love him for it.



Nick and I drove to the other side of town. I told him to wait in the car whilst I headed down the little alleyway we had pulled up to. To say I was scared was an absolute understatement - I was shitting myself. 

Never before had I been here during broad daylight, when anyone could quite easily walk down here and see me pulling the brick out of this wall, removing the cash behind it (I'll admit, I was hoping my client hadn't picked up this last batch, but I suppose we'll now have to sneak home), and replacing the brick before climbing into Nick's car.

"Don't ask questions - we've gotta head back to my place to grab what I was looking for," I said as I slid back into my seat.

"What do you want to grab?" Nick asked, before quickly slapping his hand over his mouth.

"What did I just say? No questions!" 

We both laughed as Nick put his car in reverse and backed onto the street behind us, turning to head back in the direction we had come from. Together, we drove along in silence for a while, enjoying the peace before I finally decided to answer some of the unspoken questions between us.

"We need to go home to grab some of the cannabis I've been selling - yes, that's how we buy groceries half of the time - and I want to see if we can sneak a bottle of booze from Dad's collection. And also, before you ask, the cannabis is my father's, which I re-sell for about double the price of what he buys it for."

As I spoke Nick continued to drive in silence, not judging, not asking questions, just simply letting me vent. Once I had finished talking he finally spoke up.

"Isn't your dad an addict? Isn't that why he's spending so much time with my mother?"

In response to his questions, I simply nodded.

"Don't do this. I can't let you do this to yourself. What you do in your free time is none of my business, but I cannot let you ruin your life, potentially ruin a future child's life, because we were both pissed off at some kids from school."

I don't know how the hell he kept driving as he said this. At Nick's words, I was completely broke. First, it was a singular tear, rolling down my cheek and falling gently into my lap. Before long sobs broke from me.

Sobs of pain, of anger at my father for being such a shitty person, my classmates for being such complete and utter douchebags, and my mother - for having me in the first place.

Why was she so fucking irresponsible? 

All it would have taken was a morning-after pill, birth control - a fucking condom! But no, because apparently being a hormonal teenager who completely misjudged the situation was a good enough fucking excuse to push me out and dump me here.

I cried, yelled, and screamed until we reached Nick's house, where he finally stopped the car and turned to me. Without saying anything, Nick pulled me to his chest with such force he nearly knocked the air out of me. Despite the force, I could tell how much it pained him to see me like this.

"Y/N," his voice was barely above a whisper, yet it expressed all the pain he felt at that moment.

He pulled back, holding my face in his hands, and gently brushed his thumbs over my cheeks, rubbing away some of my tears before pulling me back to his chest, gently laying a kiss on the top of my head.

"Let's head upstairs," he whispered, anger beginning to cut through the pain in his voice.


Bit of an emotional one... I have a feeling that this may be a result of binge-watching two seasons of shameless a few weeks ago, and now writing on dark mode with Chase Atlantic playing in the background.

Hope it doesn't cause you too much grief :)

Smells Like Trouble (Sapnap x Reader) // DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now