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There is no way to explain the thoughts that ran through my head on my way home. Why would he do that? Was he willing to destroy the one meaningful friendship I had as high school, just to try the whole dating thing? Maybe he was just the douche bag teenager I thought he was before meeting him.

Nothing could undo what he had just done. Ever. There's no way to change the almost-kiss, but that doesn't mean we cannot get back to where we were. I know I could try to brush over what had transpired, I'd just need the weekend to process things, and hopefully he would be unfazed in a few days'.

When I finally arrived home, unsurprisingly finding the door unlocked and my dad on the couch, he gave me a surprise I did not want to hear.

"Nick's parents have invited us to dinner!" He shouted, through the house towards the kitchen, where I searched for a clean glass to grab a drink. That was the last thing I wanted and expected to hear from dad right then and there. 

"What?" I shouted back as I walked back down the hallway towards where dad stationed himself.

"Seeing as you and Nick have been getting along well recently, we're going to his place for dinner tonight," dad replied, watching as I sat on the arm of the couch, attempting to gauge my reaction.

"Like both of us?" I asked, to which he simply nodded. "Meaning I can't just stay home?"

"Why would you want to stay home? I can only imagine his mom will cook something incredible. Why on Earth would you want to stay home and have a microwaved dinner instead?"

"Doesn't matter," I mumbled, slowly pulling myself up from the sitting position and making my way towards my room.

Dammit! Why tonight, of all nights? All I wanted was to stay home and think about what had happened. Let myself process today's events and simmer in my misery so Nick wouldn't have to deal with it.

Instead, I now have to sit adjacent to Nick at a table, pretending to smile and make idle conversation with his parents. The idea of it made my skin crawl.

I flopped down onto my bed, grasping my phone from my bag and connecting it to charge. It seemed more than likely that I would need it for a distraction at some point tonight. I then checked the time - 5:30. Presumably, we would leave to arrive at 7:00-ish, meaning I had just enough time for a shower before we left.

I stripped off, twisting the knob of the tap, and grabbed my towel from the rack next to me, which I then hung over the glass of the shower. I jumped into the stream of warm water, letting it run down my back and shoulders, covering my sides and warming my entire body.

I lathered myself in soap and gave my hair a scrub (God knows it needed one), before rinsing it all off. I then flicked off the tap and grabbed my towel, attempting to dry myself as best as possible with the ratty old thing.

Once dried to a satisfactory state, I wrapped the towel around me and ducked back into my room, beginning the long and tedious task of picking an outfit to wear to dinner with a slightly above-average-white family.

Within about 15 minutes, I knew this was pointless, as I soon realised I had nothing mildly impressive to wear. Eventually, I chose a simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt - I hoped they wouldn't notice the yellow-ish stains on the knees. 

I checked the time once more, discovering I had around half an hour to towel-dry my hair (the hairdryer broke months ago, but I made an executive that groceries were a far more valuable purchase than a replacement, due to the fact that my father was half bald).

I brushed the semi-dry mess out once finished, and shaped it into a neat-enough state. I then grabbed my phone from its charger and headed to the lounge, finding my dad ready and waiting.

We walked out the door and to the bus stop in silence, knowing that there was no way we could restart Mum's old car in time to get to Nick's by 7. Waiting together the bus felt as though it took far longer than I'm sure it actually did, as neither my father nor I were ever good at small-talk.

We jumped onto the near-empty vehicle, letting the driver know roughly the area we wanted to stop. He simply nodded and gestured for us to take a seat. The drive was about five stops away, so we made ourselves comfortable - Dad opting for a window-side street view, and I, my phone.


The bus pulled to a hault, and the two of us thanked the driver as we left, before we finally pulled the address up on Google Maps. It was about two streets away, which we decided to tackle on foot.

Despite popular belief, I had never once seen Nick Sapnap's house. In comparison to mine, it was very impressive. In comparison to some of his neighbours, it was alright. 

The house had a long driveway, which inhabited Nick's car, and a large garage. There was a small staircase leading to the door, which was engraved with ornate patterns and included some small glass details.

The house was tall, with at least two levels, each of which I could already tell would have tall ceilings. The roof was neatly sloped, in a way designed to look nice, and not flaunt money to the neighbours.

When we entered, we were greeted by an overjoyed Diana and Peter, both of whom hugged me as if we'd known each other for me, and opted for a kiss on the cheek (Diana) and a handshake (Peter) for Dad.

"Dinner's almost ready, if you want to Y/N, you can go up and see Nick. I'm sure he shouldn't be much longer." Diana said to me, gesturing the staircase that lined the nearest wall to her left.

"He should be in his room - the second to the right," Peter added, moving out of my way as I made my way upstairs.

I didn't feel like talking to Nick, but it felt better to clear the air and avoid an excess of talk from his mother. I reached the second floor and found myself faced with a hallway, the floor of which was lined with a newly cleaned light-grey carpet.

I walked towards the second door to the right, pressing my ear to see if I could hear what was happening. I could hear mumbled talking on the other side, but not make out what he was saying.

I decided to knock, letting him know I was there, before pushing the door open and walking inside. What I found shocked me - a professional looking gaming room, fully kitted out with proper monitors, a computer, keyboard, mouse and microphone, amongst other things.

"Y/N?!" Nick exclaimed, quickly closing whatever he had open.

"Were you watching porn?" I replied, just as quickly closing the door and walking towards him.

Smells Like Trouble (Sapnap x Reader) // DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now