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~Sapnap POV~

I fucked up.

Why do I do these things? These stupid, impulsive things. I knew it was risky, actually, scratch that - I knew she'd push me away - yet I did it. And I've probably just ruined whatever I thought there was between us.

I told her, promised her, that there would be none of that sappy dating stuff that she's so against until Wilbur got back to me. Actually, why hasn't Wilbur gotten back to me yet? I sent him a DM via Instagram that I knew he wouldn't respond to, to show Y/N, but I had messaged him on the server, on Discord, even on the server's Discord chat.

Maybe I should call him. Yes, that's what I would do. I guarantee he hasn't responded to my messages, because I haven't been clear enough on Discord. I'm going to go home, set up for the Jackbox stream I planned to do with Quackity and Karl, and call Wilbur afterwards.

Firstly, though, I promised someone I'd buy them a guitar.

The one she had been holding before she ran seemed good enough, around the right size for her, I took it in one hand, a suitable case in the other, and carried the two to the register.

"What was that about?" The guy at that cashier asked - the one who helped us find the guitar.

"I fucked up." I responded whilst he scanned the small tag tied around the neck of the guitar.

"Yeah, no shit." He replied, rolling his eyes before an understanding smile washed across his face.

I scanned my card before walking out, the guitar now in its case, and headed straight for my car. There's no way I could go to see Y/N now, she wouldn't want to speak to me. I turned the key in the ignition and started the engine, opting to take the quickest route home so I could set up for stream.


I opened the front door, and the smell of mom's baking wafted out from the kitchen. I had no idea what she was making, but whatever it was smelt good.

"Hi Nick! How's Y/N?" She asked as I stepped into the kitchen.

"She's good," I lied, "What are you making?"

"Well, seeing as you and Y/N are getting along so well, your father and I decided to invite her and her dad over for dinner. They'll be here after your stream, so don't even worry about that."

I don't know if she could see the blood drain from my face as she said those words, but she stopped talking and watched me curiously as I headed to my room. Holy fucking shit. I just tried to kiss Y/N, and now I would have to sit at a table with her, her father and my parents.

What does one do in this situation? How the hell do I look Y/N in the eyes, sitting between my parents and her father? Maybe I should cancel the stream, so I could think this through. Or maybe I could just call someone for advice.

Clay? I felt George, Alex and Karl would all be no help. Maybe I should just call Wilbur. Clay and Wilbur? Oh god, why is this so hard?

I sat up and turned towards my desk, looking at the setup in front of me. I still had 30 minutes before I needed to stream, I could push 45 if I absolutely had to. I stood up, pulled my chair out from under my desk, before taking a seat and starting my setup.

I flicked on each monitor and plugged in my mic whilst they loaded. Once I had them all connected, I launched Discord, scrolling through any missed messages, before decisively clicking the message thread I shared with Clay on the software.

I sent him a message - a simple "You free to talk?" - and waited for him to respond. I minute or two passed before a call came through from Clay, the little blob icon filling the top of my screen. I hit the green answer button, immediately joining the voice call.

"What's up?" Clay greeted, a hint of worry on the edge of his voice.

"I fucked up." I responded, trying to run through the recent events in my head.

"What, with the stream, or?..." He trailed off, not sure what I meant.

"No, with Y/N!" I raised my voice a little, frustrated at myself more than anyone.

"What happened?" Clay asked, simply, deciding to let me vent before trying to help.

I ran through the events of the last hour or so, trying to keep it brief enough before the stream, but also letting him understand the severity of what I'd done.

 "So basically," Clay began, stumbling for words whilst he grasped what I just said, "you're telling me you tried to kiss her, after she specifically told you she wouldn't go out with you until Wilbur taught her to play guitar?"

"Pretty much, yeah." I responded sheepishly, looking down at my lap.

"You jumped the gun, that's all. I wouldn't stress too much. If she's anything like I think she is, based on your entirely biased descriptions, she wouldn't say anything to either of your parents. At most, she'll probably make you do something to make up for it." He replied, reassuring me up until the last part.

"What do you mean,'make up for it'?" I asked, now considerably more worried.

"Do something embarrassing in public, reveal your biggest secret, y'know. The usual."

"You know damn well that if I do anything in public, it'll end up with me cancelled on Twitter, and I cannot tell her my deepest secret." I replied, trying to make Clay see that this was exactly what I wanted to avoid.

"What's the big deal if she finds out that you're Sapnap?" Clay asked, still not seeing eye-to-eye with me.

"What if she treats me differently?" I asked, hearing Clay sigh as he finally understood.

"If she does, she's not worth all this heartache."


I'm back... Sorry for the break, once again uninspired, and on school break. I am proud to say this is my first time looking at my laptop since my last exam block!

Also, I can neither confirm nor deny more regular updates. My writing is a bit scattered at the moment, and I kind of just put down an idea when I feel like it.



Smells Like Trouble (Sapnap x Reader) // DISCONTINUEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora