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I was about 6 paces away from leaving school when Nick's voice cut through the bustle of students leaving school. It was a bit of an understatement to say that his shouts only earnt the two of us a few curious glances.

"Sapnap." I replied, not turning back to look at him as I walked through the gates and out onto the streets surrounding our school.

"Well it's nice to know you're pleased to hear from me." He replied, sarcasm laced in his tone.

"Indeed," I began, turning to look at him for the first time. "What's up?"

"Whatcha doing tonight?" He asked, I felt I knew where this was going to lead.

"Homework." I replied bluntly, causing him to snort with laughter and earn the two of us more questioning glances.

"Seriously though, are you free to hang out?" This time he sounded genuinely curious.

"I don't have any plans. What do you wanna do?" I figured there was no way of getting out of this one, and Nick wasn't bad company, so why not see where this goes?

"Well I figured you don't have a guitar, and you kind of need one for when Wilbur teaches you to play-" I slammed my hand over his mouth, cutting him off. I needed to explain a few things first.

"Nick, there's a reason I don't have a guitar - they're fucking expensive. I don't have that kind of money."

"Then I'll pay." He replied, no sense of sarcasm in his tone.

"Absolutely not-" Before I could get my full argument out, Nick cut me off.

"I'll pick you up in an hour!" He shouted over his shoulder as he walked in the direction I presumed he lived.

"You don't know where I live!" I replied, making sure he could hear me.

"I'll ask my parents!"

At that point I couldn't respond. He was too far away for any of my sentences to be intelligible. I suppose he really was going to be picking me up in an hour. 


I made it home in no time at all, surprised to find my dad semi-conscious this afternoon and in a mood to greet me.

"Hey Y/N." His speech was slightly slurred, he must've been drinking today.

"Hi dad. Just letting you know Nick is gonna pick me up in about 45 minutes." His ears pricked up at my words.

"Nick? Sapnap?" He asked, the intrigued tone in his voice almost replaced the slurred speech from moments before.

"Yes. Nick Sapnap." I replied bluntly. 

If this had been anyone else, I probably would have snapped, but he was clearly hammered. Blunt, straight-forward answers were the best way for anything to get through to him.

"He's a nice kid. Hope you guys have fun." 

He had a lopsided grin on his face as he slumped back into the couch, but as soon as I stepped into the next room his snoring began. At least he waited for me to get home.

I pulled my bag off my shoulder and placed it on the kitchen table. It made a 'thud' sound which I could only guess would be at the hands of my water bottle. I turned to the other side of the room, where the fridge sat. Ordinarily we wouldn't have much in here, as dad never bothers to go out, but today he had.

What was there wasn't much, but it was enough to make a small plate for both me and dad. I took one and placed it on the couch next to my now unconscious father, and the other came with me to my room.

Aimlessly, I scrolled through Twitter. There wasn't much going on, the biggest thing was some stuff from some Minecraft server, something about new members streaming from the server, but there was nothing that really piqued my interest, but it occupied me.

Eventually, I heard a rattling sound, which I could only presume to be Nick knocking on the flyscreen. I headed to the door to see his familiar smiling face.

"I told you I'd find you." He laughed, still waiting for me to open the door.

"You did indeed." I began, opening the door and letting him inside. "There really isn't much to look at, if you were expecting some kind of grand tour, I'll just show you the highlights."

He nodded, I think this was the first point he realised we live drastically different lifestyles.

"Firstly, that's my dad." I gestured to him and looked to Nick's face, trying to read the look on his face. "Yes he is currently passed out drunk, don't ask questions you don't want answers to."

He snorted as we walked down the hall, towards my room.

"And this is my bedroom." I pushed open the door and let Nick go in first.

"You'd be surprised how many girls have shown me their rooms." He said, somewhat out of the blue.

"I'm sure I would. I am also sure it's about the same amount as me. Now let me just grab a bag and we can be off."

I grabbed a bag, stuffing a jumper, my phone and a few other things inside before I lead him back out into the hallway. I decided not to wake my dad, instead opting to shoot him a message that he would hopefully see when he woke up.

"You ready?" Nick asked when I placed my phone back in my bag and looked up at him.

"Yep." I responded, shutting the door behind me as we walked down the front stairs towards Nick's car.


Author's Note:

Long wait, I know. I do apologise, but I have had exams and so forth and I have NAPLAN this week. (I can't be arsed explaining what that means, if you're not Australian, Google it).


Smells Like Trouble (Sapnap x Reader) // DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now