Coffee Hearts

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Summary: You work at a coffee shop and Bucky becomes a regular customers of yours. 
Word count: 1.1k

"Mariah!" You yell as you hold the cup of coffee in your hand. A brunette with a toddler attached to her hip, walks up to you, takes the coffee and thanks you. "Have a nice day," you say and she smiles at you.

Dari walks past you with a cookie and coffee, almost spilling the hot liquid on you. "Be more careful Dari," you say and she frowns. "Sorry y/n," she says.

"It's alright," you say and turn your attention the the customer in front of you.

He's tall with brown, short, fluffy hair, and piercing, blue eyes. He has a bit of a stubble on his face and he's wearing pants and a jacket despite the scorching weather outside. "Hello sir, what can I get ya?" You ask politely.

"A black coffee, please," he says quietly, almost in a whisper.

"One black coffee. For here or to go?" You ask and he looks at your confused. "Would you like to enjoy your coffee here, or take it with you?" You ask.

"Umm... take it with me," he decides and you nod with a smile. "To go it is," you say. "What's your name sir?"

"Bucky," he says with a smile. "What's yours?"

You're caught off guard for a few seconds, standing there frozen. Customers don't normally ask you your name. "It's uh, y/n," you say almost forgetting your name. "That'll be 3.95."

He hands you a five and you give him his change back. "Your coffee will be ready soon sir," you say. He smiles and walks away.

You grab a paper cup and fill it with steaming hot, black coffee. Grabbing a cover, you slip the coffee cup in it and grab a sharpie to write Bucky's name. Putting a lid over it, you walk to the counter to call his name.

"Bucky," you say and he walks up to you. "Here you go." He takes the coffee from you and offers you a heart stopping smile. White teeth peering out from under his lips and you even get a wink from him.

"Thank you, y/n," he says before walking out of the shop. You take a deep breath to calm your fluttering stomach before getting back to work.

Bucky takes a sip of his coffee and sees that you wrote his name on it. Next to his name, you drew a smiley face. The simple act shouldn't have made him feel as giddy as he did, but it did. He continued his stroll down the street, making a mental note to visit the coffee shop more often.

And that's just what he does.

Almost everyday for the next few months, he's been stopping by on his way home. He'll pop in and order a coffee. Make small talk with you, admire the way you laugh and blush when he calls you doll. Every time he leaves, he has the same warm feeling in his stomach and can't help, but fall for you.

"Hey doll," Bucky says as he approaches you.

"Hey Bucky. The usual?" You ask as you start to put his order in. "Yea, but I think I'm gonna have my coffee here, and I'll take one of these pastries too," he says.

"Okay, which one?" You ask a little surprised he's changing things up.

"That's up to my best girl. Whatever you feel like giving me doll," he flirts with a wink. You feel heat rise to your cheeks as you put his order in.

He hands you a ten, already knowing the price and you give him his change back. He finds a seat at one of the tables and looks out the window at the cars passing by.

A few minutes go by before you approach him with a cup of black coffee and a croissant. "I just got you a croissant cause it seemed the most practical decision," you say.

Bucky smiles at you. "Thank you doll," he says. You smile and look over at the counter. "I'm going on break, so if you need anything, you can ask Dari," you say and motion over to the brunette talking to a blonde female, no doubt the girl she's been seeing.

"Well, if you're on break, then you can join me," Bucky says. You look back at him with wide eyes. "Huh?"

"I said, if you're on break, then join me," he says with a sly grin.

"Uh, okay," you say as you pull the chair out that's across from him. The wooden legs scrapping against the tiled floor making a terrible screeching sound. "Ow," you mumble as you rub your ears.

"How long have you been working here?" He asks you as he takes a sip of his coffee.

"Only a year. I moved here and a year ago and didn't really have a lot of money so I got this job. It's not a lot, but it's enough to keep me afloat for the time being. With college an all," you say.

"How is that? College I mean," he says. You shrug. "I was online the first three years because of how sick my father was. But now I'm on campus. I'm actually graduating next month," you say.

"That's exciting. I'll have to come see you graduate," Bucky says.

"Why would you wanna come see me graduate?" You ask. Bucky's cheeks turn pink and he rubs his hands on his thighs. "Well, I never had a graduation. I got enlisted in the military at a young age so I never got the collage experience. Plus, you're my friend and I wanna support you," he says.

"Well aren't you sweet," you say as he prop your elbows up on the table and rest your chin on your hands. "Like candy," he says with a wink and you blush.

He finishes his coffee and croissant, and you have to get back to work. "I'll see you tomorrow?" You ask.

Bucky frowns and shakes his head. "No, unfortunately I have some business to take care of outside of town. But don't worry your pretty little head. I'll be back in time for your graduation," he says as he hands you a piece of paper. "Make sure to tell me what collage it is, doll."

You open the piece of paper and see he wrote his phone number on it in messy handwriting. Looking back up, he smiles and kisses your cheek before leaving.

"I knew it. He likes you," Dari says. You look over at her and see her smirking at you. "No he doesn't," you blush.

"Yea he does. Trust me, if he didn't, I would've shot my shot with you. But I knew he liked you before you two even interacted a lot," she says before taking a customers order.

You can't wipe of the goofy ass smile on your face as you get back to work. Making coffee for people while one person remains in your mind.

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