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"Hello? (Y/N)?" Michael's voice asked through the phone.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"I've salvaged 4 animatronics. How many did you say I needed for your 'plan'?" Michael voice trailed off, unsure of what I'd meant by 'plan'.

"5. I need Circus Baby, Ballora, Freddy, Foxy and Left-E."

"Well, uh.. I've got Circus baby, some black bear, a rabbit and some beat up bear looking one. Man they have all seen much better days.. 'specially the beat up bear one... what happened to you, guy? ...who did you used to be?" The boy rambled as my jaw hung ajar.

"Wait, wait, wait. Back up. A rabbit?? Hang on a second I'm coming down to the pizzeria." I hung up the phone in a hurry before Michael could respond.

A rabbit? Why is there a rabbit? Could it be Bonnie? The freaky purple one?? No, that one burned in Circus Baby's... Is... Is William still alive?! No. No way. He also burned in Circus Baby's. I watched.

"Henry! Jeremy said he found a weird animatronic. I'm going to go down to the pizzeria. Wanna come?" I yelled as I grabbed my things, rushing desperately to see this rabbit.

"Yeah, I'll get my coat on." He yelled back.

We drove down to the restaurant in silence. Henry was focussed on the route to the pizzeria and I was lost, deep in thought.

"So what animatronic did Jeremy find?" Henry took his eyes off the road to look at me. His friendly face easing the worried feeling I had stuck in my gut.

"A rabbit..." I muttered quietly. I was apprehensive to mention it. What if it really was William?

"SpringBonnie? ... William?" Henry hesitated as he looked back to the road and focused on driving. His face gave off exactly what I was feeling—confusion and worry.

"I don't know that's why I'm going down. To see it for myself.. maybe it's a different rabbit."

I looked Henry, his eyebrows were furrowed and his mouth drew to a straight line, but he didn't look away from the road.

"It.. it can't be William. He's dead. We saw him die. There's no way he could come back.. right?" Henry tried to argue with logic, but all logic went out the window when William and I died and came back to life twice.

"I mean..." I started, hesitantly, "We did die and come back to life twice.. and he was experimenting with remnant to make himself immortal." My blood ran cold as I connected the dots.

Henry's expression shifted from worried to fearful when realized the same thing I'd just realized. Our faces both grew pale and our eyes widened at the same time.

"What if he succeeded." I said softly. I didn't want to say it out loud. I didn't want that to even be a possibility.

"L-let's not freak ourselves out here. It's probably just another rabbit." Henry smiled anxiously as he tried to wave off the thought of William still being alive. "Did Jeremy find another animatronics?"

"Yeah, he's got Baby, some busted up bear and Left-E."

Henry's eyes widened and filled with hope.

My back flew flush to the seat as Henry sped up. He raced down the empty road and quickly got to the pizzeria.

"Jeremy!!" Henry cried out, desperate to see if Left-E had done its job.

"Hm?" Michael turned around to see Henry barreling towards him, frantically.

"Left-E!! Where??" Henry looked like a madman.

"Err- who?"

"Black bear! Black bear!" He cried, desperation killing him. He wanted to see if it was really his daughter more than anything in the world.

An Eternity Well Spent (Sequel) || William Afton//SpringtrapWhere stories live. Discover now