The diagnosis

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I noticed something unusual about myself. I was having a shower and I felt a lump on my side. I ignored it and continued my life like normal. It wasn't until the next week when the lump felt bigger my head raised some concerns. I spoke to my freind Hazel. "Hey Hazel umm I noticed a lump on my side?" I said.

"Why did you come to me I'm not a nurse?" She asked.

"I know your not a nurse but last time I checked Sophia is in california" I said.

"Good point ok show me..." she said and I lifted my vest revealing the lump. Her face turned from a smile to a concerned look. "We need to call Sophia!" She pulled her phone out and dialled her.

"Hey its Sophia what do you want Hazel?" Sophia said.

"So umm Lola had a lump on her side and like it's really worrying!" Hazel said.

"Yeah the lump is huge any idea what it could be?" I asked.

"Lump? What kind of lump like a injury or a bump?" Sophia asked.

"More like a lump?" Hazel laughed.

"Change to video let me see!" Sophia said in her serious voice. This made Hazel laugh because according to her Sophias serious voice is funny but one day it might not be.

"Say when you want me to lift my vest and I will" I said.

"Ok and lift" Hazel said looking at her phone like she doesn't know how to work it out. You see Hazel wasn't that good with tech she more of has no clue how to use it and we are starting to question the world she lives in.

"Ok so that I have no clue what it could be just from a look you might want to go to the hospital and get it checked out OK?" Sophia said. I ran to get shoes on and when I came back Hazel was suited and booted it made me laugh.

"Sophia said she is coming home..." Hazel jumped for joy.

"Yay!" I screamed. I missed Sophia and her overprotective self. This is why she was a nurse because she cared for everyone around her so much. She wanted to be a nurse because if we needed a doctor she would want someone there so she thought it as a way of giving back. The day she left and went to california made both me and Hazel sit in front of the TV acting like it was a break up eating ice cream. We were all besties and have been so close since we were little and her leaving tore us apart.

We got to the hospital and sat in the waiting room for me to get called. Hazel had fun playing with the kid toys in the waiting room with all the toddlers. It made all the adults laugh at her with a toy car going saying 'broom broom' to their kids. "Lola Harold's?" A nurse said. I stood up and Hazel came with me. All the kids were is unison saying awww it was hilarious. "So Lola what brings you here today?" The nurse asked.

"I have a worrying lump on my side and it's been there for atleast a week" I said. She started typing on the computer and then turned to look at me.

"Where abouts is it?" She asked.

"On my side"

"Ok let me take a look because we might need to do some scans" she said. I lifted my vest to show her and she took a look at it. "Does it hurt if I touch it?" She asked.

"Not really"

"Does it hurt if I push on it?"

"A little"

"Hmmm, how long have you known about it for?"

"A week?" I said. She turned to her computer and started typing again. Then Hazel started acting weird and harrassing the doctor.

"Is it serious? What's wrong doc give it to me straight? Do I need to slap her? Does she need surgery?" Hazel kept asking.

"Hazel maybe you should leave the nurse alone?" I suggested. She then decided to lay on the floor and cry. I didn't question her but she was being a bit of a drama queen.

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