The list

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So a little recap I had just been diagnosed as having cancer and the doctors don't even know what type or how long I got. So life was pretty much pointless at the moment. I woke up the next morning and got a call off the hospital. "Lola speaking?"

"Hi yes just the person, I would like to talk to you more about your cancer as we have done some research and have worked it out" the lady on the phone said.

"Ok? Do I need to come in or are you going to tell me over the phone?" I asked.

"Well we are going to say it over the phone because we have other patients to attend to today. So we know that your only at stage 2 cancer which is not bad but not good either. We can also confirm that we will be offering you treatment and it's your option to take it or not" she said. I thought for a moment because I didn't want to go without a fight and I didn't want to leave sad miserable people behind. But then again if I get cured from this it might have a potential of coming back and then me going through it again.

"I will take the treatment, do you know how long I could have?" I asked.

"Well we can never give an exact date but we also don't know roughly because we don't know how fast this thing is growing" she explained.

"Ok thank you is there anything else?"

"No unless you have any questions?"


"Ok then we're all done have a lovely day and I advise you use your time wisely" she said before hanging up. I went to Hazel and Sophia and told them the exacts. Well I told Sophia the exacts Hazel didn't listen she was too busy crying into Sophias chest.

"So what do you want to do before you die?" Hazel asked.

"I don't think she needs that it's still early days and we don't know if she is even going to die?" Sophia said.

"I don't care I want her to write out a list of things and we are going to do them whether she is going to die or not!" Hazel said adamantly. She handed me pen and pencil so i started writing. I got to 5 and then it got hard because there wasn't really anything.

I handed Hazel the list,"here ya go it's not much but it will do." I said.

"Nope I want more!" She demanded.

"But I got nothing else I lived my life to the fullest so I pretty much done everything already" I said. She threw the pencil at me and then shoved the paper in my hand.

"You are going to write out 30 things or else!" She demanded. I didn't understand why she was being so grumpy. It was my life not hers. I think this was harder on her then it was me but I'm not too sure how. I was the one potentially dying not her. I went back and wrote out 29 things I couldn't think of one more.

"Hazel I got 29 but there is nothing for 30?" I said.

"29 will have to do!" She smirked.

"Someone's a bit bossy this morning" I whispered to Sophia.

"Agreed want to put the kettle on and make coffee so she ain't grumpy all day?" She whispered back.

"Sure be back in a sec" I laughed. I then came back with a steaming hot cup of coffee because both me and Sophia know Hazel is always grumpy in the mornings unless she has had coffee. Which is kinda weird and I'm starting to think she has a caffeine addiction. "Hey Hazel here's coffee for you" I said handing her the cup.

"Woooooooo coffee my fav thanks" she said snatching the cup out my hand. "Right let's read this list!" She demands.

"Woah hold up, I gave you coffee so you stop being bossy why are you still being bossy?" Sohpia questioned.

"Because I can" Hazel smiles.

"Alright, when are we going to start this list?" I asked. Both Sophia and Hazel look at me thinking but they couldn't give me and answer. Then Sophia smiles and grabs the list out of Hazel's hands.

"How about we start from the top to the bottom and the first thing we do tomorrow?" Sophia asked.

"Woooooooo roadtrip, roadtrip we gonna have a roadtrip!" Hazel shouted at the top of her lungs. She started jumping up and down spilling her coffee all over the sofa. "Oops, was that you?" She laughed.

"Hazel why did you do that?" Sophia laughed.

"Huh how dare you blame me?" Hazel pretended to be offended. She then went into the kitchen and came back with a load of tissues.

"Do you really need all of those?" I asked.

"Yes now hush!" She said cleaning it like a toddler. She was basically pushing it around and was doing nothing. I got some shoes on and went out for a walk. I didn't know where my walk would take me but I was going to go somewhere. My feet took me to this arch way I always wanted to get married at but never found anyone. It's fine starting tomorrow I was going to start an adventure of a lifetime and love seems like the last thing to be concerned about. I should be living my life to the fullest. I walked home and when I went in my house I had both Sophia and Hazel glued to the TV.

"Hello people of television?" I said.

"Eh" Hazel said ignoring my whole presence.

"Sup girl what can we do for you?" Sophia said.

"Nothing I just want to go to bed and I want to wake up tomorrow and enjoy the day" I yawned. I was tired. After that long walk I had tired myself out which was weird because usually after that I could still climb Mount everest if I ever wanted to. I ignored it and collapsed on my bed and went to sleep.

Hope you like my story so far don't forget to like it and leave a comment of what you would like to happen because I would love to know your point of veiw. The next chapters are the start of Lolas 29 things so enjoy.

29 things I did before I diedWhere stories live. Discover now