Day 4: part 2

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Well I guess she didn't huh makes a change.

I joined them as we walked into the entrance. Hazel and me were behind Sophia and Joeseph who were yet again whispering to one another. But it soon turned into an argument because Joeseph just turned around and walked past me nudging my shoulder. "What was that about?" Hazel whispered into my ear as I turned around. Whilst I watched Joeseph walk out of the entrance and he was looking back at me. But there was a tear rolling down his eye. Why?

"Sophia?" I said.

"Yes?" She said turning to look at me.

"Where's he going?" I asked.

"Where's who? What?" She said pretending she didn't know. We stood at the reception and Sophia paid for us to walk around the feild. As we went to door to go into the feild Hazel got her phone out and started to message someone I'm not sure who.

"Who are you messaging?" I whisper to her.

"Joe imma make him come back and see if he's OK, I saw the tear roll down his eye when he looked at you" she whispered back. I just mouthed the words thank you to her and followed Sophia round the feild. There was sunflowers, roses, tulips, orchids and of course a little pond for water lillys (my favourite). As we went back to the car Hazel noticed the frown on my face cause she suddenly started looking around for things to cheer me up. That's when I noticed in the corner of my eye her jumping up and down for joy.

"WHAT IS IT HAZEL?" I shouted at her really annoyed that Sophia got rid of Joeseph.

"Now what's got you in a grumpy?" Sophia asked.

"Joeseph!!!" Hazel excitedly said jumping up and down still pointing. I looked up and saw Joeseph sat in the back of the car looking out the window. We got back in the car all in the same place and I nudged Joeseph a little as I put my seatbelt on. Nothing. He ignored my pressance. Sophia turned on the car and we got back on the road. "Where to now?" Hazel yawned.

"I think a gas station cause we're low on feul" Sophia said looking at the feul gage. I looked at Joeseph still ignoring my presence and get out my phone and start messaging him.

Hey what's wrong you keep ignoring me?

Sophia said she wanted time with you girls alone. She also told me to go wait in the car and so I did but I really wanted to be with you.

Why did you want to be with me?

Because I like you lola isn't it obvious? Hazel invited me because I told her I liked you and wanted to spend every moment with you that I can.

You do know what your getting into with liking me aren't you?

Of course I do Hazel explained the whole thing. But I don't care love is love and whether your dying or not I want to spend every moment I can with you!

Joeseph I like you aswell but I try not to do anything cause Sophia doesn't want anyone to date her cousin.

Yeah I know but whilst we were in the car she was telling me how she wanted me to go for it cause she wants you to be happy in your last moments and she can see that you like me aswell. But also she wants me to be happy and she wants to make sure I'm careful not to get hurt. I told her I don't care if I get hurt all I care is that I get YOU!

Tears started rolling down my eyes. "You alright there lola?" Hazel says turning around.

"Yeah" I said wiping my tears away. Joeseph looks towards me and grabs my hand. I look at him and smile as he does to.

"Were at a gas station do whatever" Sophia said pulling up to the pump. I immediately got out the car and went into the shop. Joeseph followed and I just kept speed walking around and then he grabbed my hand. I turned around and looked into his eyes as he looked into mine.

"I want to kiss you so badly right now!" He said.

"Then why don't you?" I giggled. He smiled and moved his hand round the back of my neck under my hair. We both then lean in and our lips touch. It felt like heaven and I didn't want to stop. But soon enough we pulled away and I swear I was blushing so much. But then I realised someone staring at me. I turned to see Hazel stood there holding a massive bag of crisps and biscuits. "Hazel!"

"You... you... KISSED OH MY GOD THANK THE HEAVENS CAUSE YOU KISSED!" She started to shout. I ran over and covered her mouth as I didn't know is Sophia was near.

"Shush please" I begged. All I heard back was mumbling cause I was covering my mouth and she was trying to speak.

"What are we going to do now?" Joeseph asked.

"I'm not sure"

"So Hazel knows but Sophia doesn't and are we going to tell her?" He asked.

"What is the best call?" I asked.

"Well she would be pretty annoyed if we didn't"

"Ok fine but you can say alright?" I said. Then I suddenly started to feel something wet on my hand. I looked towards Hazel and pulled my hand away and she had her tongue stuck out. "Ewww!" I said rubbing my hand on her arm.

"Whaaaaat? You don't know how hard it is to lick hands that taste of sandpaper!" She said. I just laughed and went around the shop with Joeseph as we parted ways with Hazel. I went straight to the sweet Isle and grabbed a basket load of sweets and then went and brought a bunch of my favourite cakes.

"Woah someone's a bit greedy there" a females voice said behind. I turned around and it was my old primary freind Ashley.

"Ashley!" I said walking over to her. She had shorter hair now like most of it was shaved off and she was wearing more masculine clothes.

"Yes it's me but I have changed!" She said.

"Well yeah you have shorter hair and are wearing more masculine clothes." I said.

"Well actually there's a reason... I'm trans" he said.

"Oh nice congrats" I said.

"Ok, ok, I'm confused what the hell is going on?" Joeseph asked.

"Oh sorry, this is my old freind from primary Ashley and Ashley this is my... ummmm.... uhhh..." I started to stutter.

"Boyfriend?" Joeseph questioned.

"Wait what?" I questioned.

"If you want me to be that is?"

"Yes 100% yes!" I said hugging him.

"Ok well as this is all sweet and all but do you guys know the hot chick over there?" Ashley said pointing over at Hazel.

"Thats Hazel were on a roadtrip with my two besties Sophia and Hazel" I said.

"Wait your still besties with them? Wow now that's what I call a good freindship" he chuckles.

"Wanna join us on our roadtrip?" I asked.

"Ummm... nah I got to go home to my son after this" he said.

"Son? How old?"

"He's 7 you should come over some time here's my number..." he hands me his number and then goes to the till to pay for his stuff. Me and Joeseph continue filling the basket with snacks and then go back to the car and sit in it whilst Sophia and Hazel are still in the shop...

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