Day 4: part 3

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Me and Joeseph continue filling the basket with snacks and then go back to the car and sit in it whilst Sophia and Hazel are still in the shop...

He looks at me and smiles as I tuck a peice of hair behind my ear. "What?" I ask. He then moves closer to me. His lips touch mine and we start kissing. But the thing is that's when it happened. Cause he put his hand round the back of my head to make the kiss deepen and then he stopped and leaned back. "What's wrong?" I asked. He then showed me his hand infront of my face. My hair. It had fallen out. A tear rolls down my eye and I just turn around and look out the window. Sophia and Hazel get back in the car and we go to our last destination.

Sophia put the car in park and everyone but me got out the car. "Lola are you not coming?" Hazel asked leaning through the car door at me.

"Come in the car and close the door!" I demanded. She did exactly what I said.

"What is it?" She asked.

"My hair!"

"What about it?"

"IT FELL OUT!" I cried.

"But... but... what should we do?"

"D... d... don't k... kn... know" I weeped.

"Come get out the car and enjoy the day?" She tried. She then got out the car and closed the door. I did the same but I  went straight to the boot and grabbed my hoodie and put it on leaving the hood still on my head.

"She alright?" I heard Sophia whisper to Hazel. I mean she has always been bad at the whole whisper thing not going to lie. But let's not tell her she' get very tetchy when you tell her the truth. Which surprises me that she's a doctor? Like how can you handle the truth? It's just so weird? Not just me is it? "Her hair is falling out!" She whispered again.

"Hey you alright?" Joeseph asked.

"Not exactly but I will hold on!" I said.

"Whatever you need I'm here for you ok?" He said. I nodded yes and smiled at him. He put his arm round my back and hugged me. "Love you"

"Love you more"

"Not possible!" He laughed.

"Oh yeah how's that?"

"Because... because..."

"Exactly what I thought" I smiled. He went a bright red and smiled. He was so cute when he did that.

We walked into a museum and walked around looking at all the exhibits. My favourite was the mummified cat. It was so cool how it was still in sorta a good condition after so many years. Like how is it even possible? The Egyptian era was my favourite anyway and I find it most interesting.

We then went back into the car and it was dark outside. We went home but I don't remember much of the journey as I fell asleep on Joesephs shoulder. Then as we got home I opened the car door and threw myself out so I was laying on the floor. Joeseph ran round the car and kneeled down looking at me laughing. "Are you alright down there?" He smiled. Damn I loved his eyes they were so pretty and made my heart race two times faster then it should have. I just smiled back at him and he knew I was ok. "Want some help up?"

"Maybe a little?" I chuckled.

"Ok gorgeous I will help you up" he said shoving his arm under my back. Then all of a sudden I was being picked up like a bride would do on their wedding day. He carried me to my room and layed me down.

"Ok now out so I can get dressed!" I said pointing to my door. He then laughed and walked out closing the door behind. I got dressed into my pyjamas and opened the door for him to come in. "I suppose you want a place to sleep?"

"That would help the sofa tends to get cold at night" he smiled.

"Come on then..." I said letting him in. I closed the door behind and he jumped on the bed like a little kid. I gave him the look and he stopped. He layed down properly under the covers. He looked so snug and so cute. I blushed. I joined him and turned off the light going to sleep. I felt his arm wrap around me and all that could come across my face was a smile bigger then the Atlantic ocean.

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