Day 7

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1. Play video games all night long
2. Throw a pool party
3. Get a puppy
4. Go on a road trip
5. Have a prank war
6. Have the house to myself for a day
7. Skinny dip

I woke up this morning and Joe was completely out. I took it as an opportunity to run to the bathroom. Knowing Hazel likes having guys round on the occasion she keeps pregnancy tests in the bathroom. I took one and stood there for a while. I wasn't exactly sure how long I needed to wait cause I didn't read the instructions but I soon saw my result. Reading it was the easy point but waiting is the hard bit. It said...

Moments later I had someone knocking on the door. "Occupied," I said in a funny joice.

"Hurry up I need a pee!" Someone said outside. Sounded like they were desperate so I quickly threw the test in the bin and walked out. A very angry Hazel on the other side of the door stormed in and pushed me out before locking behind her. Someone was desperate. I went in the living room and had Sophia laying on the sofa with a book open on her face.

"You ok there?" I asked.

"I'm reading!"

"With it directly on your face?"

"Can't be bothered to hold it, don't judge me!"

"Ok... so are we gonna do what's on the list today?" I asked. She sat up and let the book just flop on her lap.

"What's today?" She asked me. I pointed at the list on the table and she turned picking it up. I forgot what I wrote by this point and not going to lie realising how dumb some of them were.

"What's it say?"

"Skinny dipping!" She frowned.

"Ooh yay sounds like fun!"

"Nope!" She said before getting up and locking herself in her room. Well then she sounds like she was excited. I put the kettle on making Hazel a cup of coffee to make sure she not grumpy the rest of the day. She came out the bathroom and grabbed the cup before letting me finish pouring meaning boiling water went all over the side. Dripped a bit on my foot which hurt incase your wondering. I grabbed my foot in pain and then realised Hazel had consumed the whole cup and shoved it in the sink and already gone and sat at the list waiting for someone. That girl drinks so fast.

"Omg Joe we going skinny dipping!" I heard Hazel say excitedly as I walked in the room and so did Joe.

"What's that?" He asked.

"WHATS THAT!!! ARE YOU CRAZY???" Hazel shouted at the top of her lungs.

"It's where you swim nude," Sophia said coming out her room.

"Wait where are we gonna skinny dip?" Hazel asked turning to face me.

"Not sure. Are there any places around here?" I asked.

"I know somewhere!" Sophia said grumpily shoving her shoes on her feet and grabbing the car keys.

"Hang on! I wanna get dressed first!" I said. I walked to my room and went through the closet. Nothing too entertaining. I decided to wear a swim suit with a skirt over the top. The swim suit was just incase I needed to chicken out.

We got in the car and went to the place. It was nice. There was tall trees letting the sun shine through onto the rocks below them. There was a waterfall and a massive lake underneath. The rocks were covered in moss and were shining from the water and light combination. If you looked the right way on the rocks you could almost make out a little rainbow pattern. I looked around at Hazel and Sophia looking down to see how far it is. "WOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Joe shouted as he ran past us nude.

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