day 2

9 2 1

1. Play video games all night long
2. Throw a pool party

So the first thing on the list is a bit boring. Today will be so much fun tho because who knows I might meet a boy and who knows what will happen from there. I woke up to being kicked by Hazel because she kicks in her sleep but I think kicking is better then when she bites in her sleep in all honesty.  Whereas Sophia disagrees with me because she thinks her doing neither of these things would be better. But then it wouldn't be our little sweet innocent Hazel would it? Besides it's fun when she kicks because you can kick her back like I was doing so. "Hey that hurt" Hazel said in a tired voice.

"Oh sorry didn't realise I was kicking you there because I was too busy being kicked myself" I slyly said to her. I got out of bed and got into my party dress. Hazel looked at me in confusion on why I was dressing so nicely. "I memorised the list back to front so I know what I have to wear every day" I smile. Hazel sits up and thinks for a minute before she gives up and just runs out the room.

"WHOOOOOOO POOL PARTY!" You hear Hazel shout from the living room. I just laugh in amusement when she then comes bursting in my room and the fun automatically stops.

"Can I help?" I ask.

"I want something nice to wear!" She replies.

"So why my room?"

"Because you have better clothes out of me and you!"

"What about Sophia she has some pretty nice clothes and better then mine" I smirk. She stops chucking clothes out my wardrobe and runs into sophias room. That's when I immediately regret saying that because I get an angry Sophia in my room.

"Why did you tell Hazel to come to my room for clothes because she has gone grumpy?" Sophia says in a grumpy tone.

"Sorry but she was touching my clothes and you know how I am with my clothes" I apologised. She smiled and then went through my wardrobe taking out my most hated dress. "What you doing with that?" I asked in panick.

"I'm going to give it to Hazel to teach you a lesson!"

"It's fine I hate that one anyway" I try to convince myself.

"Thats why I'm giving it to her" she says before leaving the room.

Later on me and Sophia were making all the food and drinks while we got Hazel to make the sign. We only got her to do it because she is an artist (sorta) and it means me and Sophia can work out what to do with her. Then guests started to arrive. I'm not going to lie half these people I didn't have a clue who they were but they were all apparently freinds Sophia made whilst she was gone.

I wandered around the house and then I saw this guy stood at the drinks station just standing there. I didn't know what to do but my feet clearly did as I started walking towards him. "Uuuuuh...... ummmmm......." Was what came out my mouth before he put a finger to my lips and shushed me.

"The words you say to someone when you meet them are hi and I just wanna say its kinda funny that your speechless right now because your spilling your drink on the floor" he laughed. I grabbed my drink and placed it in the bin because I didn't want to embarrass myself again. I smiled and tucked a peice of hair behind my ear. Why am I acting like I like this dude? Don't worry I'm asking myself this question aswell.

"Yeah sorry I'm not a people person but hi I'm lola nice to meet you" I said.

"Hi I'm Joeseph but my freinds call me Joe" he smiled. His smile was kinda cute but I know I can't fall in love.

"Well what brings you here then?" I asked.

"Well Sophia is my cousin and I got told from her that I must come so I did" he said. Now at first my brain didn't process it then I suddenly thought cousin? I mean I remember Sophia talking about her cousin that she said he was her only cousin and the closest one she has. But I didn't remember her saying anything about he's off limits. Then again I am a good and loyal freind and I didn't want to make the risk. "Can I get you a drink?" He asks looking towards the bin.

"Umm yes sure?" I said confused. You should have seen the smile. The smile he had on his face lit up the room. I then looked at the corner of the room to see Sophia watching me and Joe talking. She looked nervous?

"What you looking at?" Joe asks.

"Your cousin she is looking at us like she is nervous but what of?" I said.

"Want to go somewhere else?" He said getting close to me. I smiled and nodded yes. He took my hand pulled me into the garden. He walk to the pool where surprisingly no one was there. You would think people would be at the pool at a pool party. It was dark outside and the lights in the bottom of the pool lighted up the area. I took off my shoes and dipped my feet in. Joe did the same and then I felt his leg gently tap mine. He slowly started moving closer and closer to my side. "So.... why did you throw a pool party?" Joe asked me.

"Did Sophia not tell you?" I asked. He shook his head no. I didn't answer.

"I'm guessing you don't want to talk about it?" He said.

"No I don't!"

"Thats fine take your time before telling me besides we only just met don't rush in to literally telling me your whole life story" he smiles. I smile too and then I remembered I had my swim suit on underneath my dress. I stood up and took off my dress throwing it on the floor and jumped into the pool. I kept diving till I hit the bottom of the pool and touched it with my finger. I felt a hand rub my arm. I turned my head to see Joe in swimming trunks beside me swimming. I went to the top of the water for air and was met with Joe's eyes. The rest of that night is a blur to me. The last thing I actually remember about that day is staring into his eyes in the swimming pool.

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