day 3

8 2 1

1. Play video games all night long
2. Throw a pool party
3. Get a puppy

I woke up the next day and saw a Joe was lying in my bed. WHAT! I start shaking him trying to wake him up but nothing. "JOE!" I shout. He then moves and looks at me with a smile.

"Morning" he says.

"Ok what are you doing in my bed?" I ask. He looks confused and then smiles like he just worked it out.

"Basically we went swimming looked in eachothers eyes then we kissed and then went to bed and slept that's it" he said with a massive smile on his face. I get out of bed and see I'm still in my swim suit. He then gets out of bed and is also in his swim suit so I sorta just guessed he was telling the truth.

"Ok get out I want to get dressed!" I demanded. He got out of my room and I started rummaging through my clothes. I just grabbed my ripped jeans and vest. When I came out my room Joe was sat on the couch clutching his clothes and still in swimming shorts. Sophia then comes out of her room and sees him sat on the sofa.

"Cousin what are your still doing here?" She asks. She went and sat next to him on the sofa. I just went to the kitchen and made coffee ready for Hazel. I put it on the table infront of the sofa. "So lola? You and my cousin huh?"

"Nothing happened I'm not into him like that ok so don't even start" I said. I saw a massive smile go across her face after I said this but a sad face against Joe's face. "Joe my room go!" I said pointing at my bedroom door. He got up and went in my room with me following after.

"So your not in to me yet you kissed me yesterday?" He asked.

"Ok me and you just met yesterday but I'm not sure how I feel towards you and I just said that cause I know how Sophia gets with her one, only and closest cousin" I said.

"Ok well here's my number"

"Thanks here's mine... ummm... do you want to come with us today for the next thing on my list?" I asked him.

"What's the list?"

"29 things I did before I died"

"Ok what's today's thing?"

"Get a puppy" I said. You should have been there to see the massive smile on his face it was gorgeous. "I'm guessing by the big smile your a dog kinda guy?" I asked. He nodded yes and then I got some shoes on. He ran off to sophias room and came out in a different outfit. Hazel came out her room and grabbed the coffee on the table and started chugging it down. I'm guessing she got drunk last night because she only ever chuggs it when she got drunk the night before.

"So when we going to get a puppy?" Hazel jumped with joy after placing the empty cup on the coffee table.

"Whenever your ready" Sophia said to her. Hazel ran into her room and came out not long after.

"I'm ready let's go!" She said.

"Ok let's go!" I laughed. We all got in the car whilst Sophia drove us to the puppy adoption center. I got out first and ran indoors Hazel following after me. The two cousins come in later having an argument. They see me and Hazel laying on the floor with a million puppies on us. Joe came and joined us whilst Sophia stood there watching.

"Not going to join Sophia?" Hazel asked.

"She's not a dog person Hazel!" Joe said to her. You should have seen the utter shock on Hazel's face when she heard this. I stood up and went to walk out of the puppy pen and all the puppy's went running over to Hazel and Joe. Except this one puppy she kept following me she was a beautiful dalmation. I picked her up and she barked and liked my face. She was adorable.

"I want this one!" I said to the employee. They took her out my arms and went to the cash register and told me the amount I handed the money over and we went home with her. I called her dotty. She slept in my bed that night along with Hazel and I was excited for tomorrow.

29 things I did before I diedWhere stories live. Discover now