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I knew she was a red flag, I never fully trusted her. But I never wanted to deny Six the chance of a mother figure.

She never really cared about Six because all her gaslighting, multplation, abuse, and narcissistic acts was towards me ,And I'm so greatful.

Six was a bubbly baby, always giggling and smile but as she got older, she became more shy more distant and more quiet, and that's because of all the neglect and trauma she was born into..

I blasted my attack and as expected she swiftly dodges it, this was still my house so I didn't want to completely destroy it so I had to make sure I wasn't aiming at any significant part of the house.

"Y/N, FALL BACK" I heard Killua said.

Fall back? I look at her and saw the rest of them huddle in the circle, maybe they have something planned.

I fall back and waited until they've said something.

"We have a Plan" Killua spoke again.

"Okay, what is it. Please make it quick"  I look over to Six to still see her on the ground crying.

"We are going to get Six and bring her back, while you stay here and fight your mom" Anything to get Six in a safe area.

"Okay, so how are we coming in?" Diane asked.

"Y/n is going to be a distraction and create an opening for us to surround her mom and take Six." Killua explained and then looked at me.

I nodded and walked out of circle and got the plan going.

I fully charged at my mom with an attempt to punch her.

She cross her arm in a X to stop the blow, guess the blow was too strong because my punch made her lose her form and balance.

"Tch, I shouldn't expect no less from you" she grabbed me in her hold and squeezed me tightly. I could literally feel my bones cracking and apparently the guys heard it too as they whip their heads over to me.

I lifted my feet towards her stomach and my knees to me chest and pushed off of her.

My....... arms....... are.... so flimsy.

"Y/N" Chopper rushed to me.

"Y/N, I have to pop your bone back in place, it's the only way to get you back in the fight" He told me as he transformed into his larger form.

"No, I can use my legs" I tried to get up as he just forcefully pushed me down...

"I'm sorry, this is for your sister" he grabbed my armed and pushed the bone back into its original place.

An ear spilting scream came out of me, alarming everyone.

"Yes, that's the sound I like to hear" My mom said licking her lips hungrily.

I was heavily breathing and tears was streaming down my face.

"I'm sorry" Chopper cried out as he saw my arm start to swell.

"I need to give you the proper care-" I lifted my hand to stop him mind sentence.

"It's*huff* fine, *huff* just do*huff* the other arm*huff*" Six look at me with fear in her eyes.

I'm sorry.....Six

"AHHHHHHHH" I scream as Chopper pushed my other arm in place.

Even tho the others was disturbed and worried about me being in pain, they continued to fight, continued on with the plan.

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