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(Filler Chapter)




Is my chest vibrating? I slowly opened my eyes adjusting to the light that shine through the curtains.

Oh, it's Chef. I pressed the red button the was constantly glowing and a voice echo in the room.

"Hey, this is Chef. I heard you're throwing a party for the everyone" he told me.

"Yeah, like a celebration I've already rented out an area for the day in my world. You are free to come if you like"

"No thanks, I have a lot to do. I also got an announcement when you guys get back" I signed.

"Please, you worked just as hard as us. You deserve a break. By the way I'm glad you are okay" he chuckled.

"Of course, I'm fine" he paused and continue.

"I'll come but I probably won't arrive there until a couple hours later. I'm still very busy" he told me, and I agreed.

"That's fine, well I'm about to get everyone up and moving. See you then" he hung up leaving me in a comfortable silence.

A knock was heard at the door and Kurapika slightly open the door.

"Hey, we are having breakfast. Would you like some?" I shook my head no.

"I'll eat once we get to the place, I have to go give Six her clothes for today. You guys should get ready after breakfast" Kura nodded and pulled something from his pj pants.

It was a transponder snail.

"You might need this to contact them. They gave me one when I got assigned to protect their universe." He handed me the pink snail and closed the door.

I pressed the button on the snail back and jumped when it started ringing.

"Perra, Perra, perra, perra.................perra, perra, Perra, perra-Claaalick" a girl picked up.





"Everything alright?"

"Yes Nami"

"Okay, what do you need?"

"I was just letting you know I will be stopping by in a few to give you guys Six clothes for today"

"Okay, we just woken up a while ago. We are eating breakfast now. What's the plan? Are we coming to you, are you picking us up."

"We all are going the gather in training council and then we will all leave from there"

"Sounds fun"

"Yeah, I'll be over in a few, enjoy your meal"

I hung up the phone and let out a sigh.

I did my daily routine and walked out to see everyone finishing up with their food, walking around getting themselves together.

"Hi, Y/N. Sleep well?" Gon ask with his last piece of toast in his mouth.

"Yes, thanks for the room it's really nice" I nodded

"I'm assuming you are about to get everything ready yeah. You guys don't need to rush, we won't be linking with everyone until at least 1." I said grabbing the bag for Six

"Be safe, and call us if you need some help?" Leorio said.

I smiled at them as I stood in the Warp the was located in the corner of their house.

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