CHAPTER 5 : I done it

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The days run away and the night I am every tired.all things I set them in perfect place.and now I finnaly sit on sofa.

this room is more big then that.Today I can't start the new Novel.and now I plan to write more big Novels.I don't know what will happend with that Novel of mine.

I feel like my eyes became close.I am feeling very sleepy.I stand up and go to my bed and jump on the bed.then I don't know what happened?


I somehow managed to to take my hand out of the blanket and stop the alarm clock.


I look at the the wall.but I became shocked!

"where is my clock!"

then I remember that this is my new home and I put the clock another side's wall.

I look at that and sow it's....TOO LATE!

"Oh My God,OH MY GOD!"

I jump out from my bed and run to bathroom.I am going to late for college today.

and you know when we came so late a magic always works with us so that happened to me too.I don't know How I get ready in 10min.if I was in home or if I was not late it takes me 30min.

I run outside.I did not eat breakfast.well..I don't feeling hungry now anyway.I have a habit of this since I was in High school.

I came out from my room and close the door and lock it very fast and run out side.

I came in front of the lift but that was in 1st floor I take the stairs.well...I didn't came down running.I take the stairs handle.and solo down so it was more fast.

I doing this from childhood so it doesn't matter for me.I sow so many people was look at me.But I give them a smile and run away.I was hearing some people was tell.."Kids this days"

well..I enjoy this words.I run out and take a taxi.


I came there running but...the get was closed 🙂!!

I didn't request the gard. because if I was requested him I think you late me but no one can save me from professors' I take another way.if it was normal day then I should go back now.but today is not like other day.

like other schools a devil also have in out college.and today is her first class.

I run back side of out college.and a long boundary wall.I look here and there and my smile came out.

I sow some boxes so I take them and climb on them and jump for hold the boundary wall.

"YES! I done it!"

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