General Of Atlas

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Ruby POV

It's been almost an hour since we left Argus. In that time no one's dared say a word. That is until now.

Yang: "We're almost there."

I only nod. She then takes a seat next to me.

Yang: "This' a stupid question but, how you holding up?"

Ruby: *sigh* "Sad, just utter sadness."

Yang: "He was a good man."

I smile.

Ruby: "He sure was. I just wish he didn't sacrifice himself like that."

Weiss: "Heads up guys."

We walk to the front of the airship to see the kingdom of Atlas.

Ruby: "We finally made it."

We come closer when I notice something.

Ruby: "What's that?"

The others look.

Weiss: "That... is the Atlas air fleet."

Yang: "What're they doing?"

Weiss: "I don't know. I've never seen them deployed like this before."

Radio: "Manta 5-1, please report to docking bay Omega 12, over."

Blake: "We cannot land."

Nora: "Then what do we do?"

Weiss: "Hang on."

We fly lower into Mantle. We cruise through its skies where we see everyone's just miserable.

Ruby: "They're so bummed."

Yang: "So what're we gonna do?"

Weiss: "I need to call my sister. She can-"

Blake: "Uh Weiss?"

She points making us look out the front window.

Winter: "Reminder, failure to cooperate with Atlas personnel is a punishable offense."

Jaune: "Now what?"

Yang: "I vote we land and lose ourselves in Mantle. Maybe then we-"

Suddenly the airship rattles.

Ruby: "What was that?"

Again the airship rattles this time followed by a loud bang. We then begin falling out of the sky.

Weiss: "Hold on!!!!"

We hold on for dear life when the airships hits the ground with a hard thud. We stumble out where we immediately get restrained. Looking up I see a man with a fishing pole.

Man: "Good job everyone. Load them up and bring them to the general."

They do just that. As we come to an open area of the academy we encounter a few familiar faces.

Penny: "You guys made it!"

Winter: "Weiss?"

Weiss: "Winter."

Nora: *shows cuffs* "Anyone wanna give us a hand?"

Winter: "You have ten seconds to release them before I resort to violence."

We get released from our cuffs. We're then led to Ironwood's office.

Ironwood: "It's good to see you all again."

Yang: "Didn't feel that way when we got here."

Ironwood: "Apologies. But when a rogue airship enters our airspace without warning we automatically assumed the worst. For all we know it was stolen."

Ruby: "It was."

Winter: "You stole an airship!? What were you thinking!? You-"

Weiss: "We did it to get to you."

She pauses.

Winter: "I suppose I can overlook this."

Ironwood: "Speaking of overlooking, where's Y/N? I heard he was traveling with you guys."

We all become sad.

Ironwood: "Did I say something bad?"

I make my eyes shine as light surrounds me.

Ruby: "When we were in Argus he sacrificed himself to bring down a Leviathan. Before he did he transferred his power to me."

I subside my shine as Ironwood adopts a regretful look.

Ironwood: "I'm sorry. This must be so hard for you."

Ruby: "So why're we here?"

Ironwood: "As you all may be aware, Salem's a powerful enemy. If we're to have any shot at beating her then we need to be prepared."

He presses a button on his desk. This makes the room darken as a projection is shown.

Ironwood: "For the past three days we've been having a Grimm problem. It started small. But now it's getting out of hand."

A video is then played.

Ironwood: "Exactly twelve hours ago the Schnee Dust Mine was subject to a major Grimm takeover. We're running low on dust which means we need all the dust left in the mine. But we're so shorthanded that we can't hope to recover it all. Which is where you all come in. With help from the Ace-Ops you can clear out the Grimm allowing us to take the dust within."

He presses another button returning the room to normal.

Ironwood: "Once we've secured the dust we can finally push the tide of this Grimm invasion. I hope to have your guy's support."

Everyone looks at me. I then look at Ironwood smiling.

Ruby: "You can count on us."

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