1- Intro

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It all started one day in fall, the first day of high school. I had just transferred to a new school and was starting my second year. Not only had I moved high schools, but I moved to a different city that Summer as well. My father and mother recently had got a divorced, after my mom finding out about his affair of four years. I moved with my mother from Nagoya, Japan to Yokohama, Japan the summer before I started my second year. That summer I got a job working at a small ramen shop a couple blocks down from my house. The shop had its loyal customers that I would see every night that would come in for a bowl of ramen and a bottle of sake. It was mostly older gentlemen that would stop by and sulk about their life after work, drinking until I had to refuse to serve them anymore sake. I worked with a guy named Minato who was a first year in college majoring in biology and after work he would always drink a bottle of sake and offer me some as well. We usually would end up staying an hour or two after the shop closed, he was my first friend I made in Yokohama and the first person I referred to as my senior. Mostly because he told me to refer to him as that, I think it was because he felt cool whenever I said it. I ended calling him my 'Onii-san', which means big brother in Japanese. Every Saturday during the summer Minato would invite me out to karaoke with him and his other college friends, where we would all end up getting drunk off of Ginjo. It was the three of us, Minato, Hiroto, and Akio. Minato was six foot one and had a muscular body, always bragging about his personal record in deadlifting. With fair skin and short black hair, he would wear his round thin seeing glasses some of the time, whenever he forgot to put in contacts.

    The last day of summer had finally arrived, I was working at the ramen shop with Minato, having to deal with two drunk guys right before closing. Minato finally closed the shop and we were both sitting on the tall brown wooden chairs in front of the bar. He poured us both sake shots and lit his cigarette like every other night.

    After telling him that I started school the next day, in a whiny voice, Minato just laughed and poured me another shot as he said,"Let me know how that goes."

    I made an ugh sound and put my head on the table. Then someone knocked on the door to the shop, it was Hiroto. Hiroto was a few inches shorter than Minato, and a few inches taller than me. He had long golden fluffy hair and was wearing a black turtle neck with a floral jacket over, along with white pants and leather boots. Minato opened the door, letting him into the ramen shop.

    "Text Akio to come" Hirato immediately said to Minato as soon as he walked into the shop.

    Akio was a guitar player, who had short light pink hair and was about the same height as Hiroto, around five foot eight, with a slimmer body (just like Hiroto) and was the tannest out of the three of them.    

    "Took you long enough" Hiroto yelled across the ramen shop as Akio walked in.

    Akio was wearing a casual white button up and black pants with his converse. As soon as he walked up to the bar counter, he grabbed the shot glass next to me and held it up to Minato, "Give me a shot."

    We then moved to a table where Akio and I sat next to each other with Hiroto and Minato on the other side.

    Hirato laughed, "Looks like you're the only one starting school tomorrow."

    "Don't be mean to her" Akio said as Hiroto stuck his tongue out at Akio, while simultaneously pouring himself another shot.

    "Hiroto, you always drink too much, maybe you should slow down" I said this to Hiroto as I tried to take the sake bottle away from him, ending up in a tug a war between the both of us.

    Which ended up in Minato grabbing it from the both of us, "I'll take him home"

    Minato took Hiroto home every night when we would go drinking, which was practically every night. After finishing three bottles of sake, we all went on our separate ways, as usual.

    Hirato shouted, "Get home safe guys!" as he was hanging onto Minato.

    I waved to them as headed in the opposite direction from Akio and I.

    "They're pretty close, I wonder.." I stared up at Akio waiting for him to say something, "Never mind" Akio sedately said. Akio had a smooth and calming voice that always made me feel at ease for some reason. He was the calm one of our group, and the one that kept everyone in check.

    "Minato isn't gay" I impulsively said.

    Akio didn't say anything as we kept walking. Unlike Minato, Hirato was openly gay; he was flamboyant and would always drag us out to the gay bar he frequented drank at.

     "Do you think-?"

    Akio cut me off, "Minato has never been into anyone, girls or guys"

    Akio did not say this in any type of aggressive way, but more in a way of wanting to have no say in the matter- or maybe in a way he envied the two of them, if this fact were to be true.

    It was quiet as we walked down the street of Yokohama, the summer heat was even brutal at night.

    "Akio, How are you and your roommate?" I asked in attempt of changing the subject.

    Akio had a roommate and one night, drunk accidentally told me that he was secretly in love with this roommate of his.

    Sounding somewhat disappointed Akio said, "He has a boyfriend" Before I could say anything, Akio quickly changed the subject, "Do you need to stay at my place?"

    "I have school tomorrow."

    We lived in the same direction from the ramen shop, but eventually would go our separate ways. I usually stayed at Akio's apartment when I did not want to go home or was too drunk to. My mother never minded nor never paid much attention to me since she was either at work or painting on the balcony of our apartment.

    "Good night Akio."

 It feels weird. Living in a new city, surrounded by different people, and not having my father around. 

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