When you adopt a pet with them - Reactions, OT8

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Bang Chan
- He would be all over your plan to adopt a pet, no matter the animal
- When you chose a snake, however, he was slightly concerned, but he tried his best to look excited, despite how scared he was
- After all, adopting a pet together was like having a child!
- He even let you choose names, and after a lot of slow introduction, he finally fell in love with the snake as much as you loved her
- "I reckon she could be your next member, yeah?"
- He now uses the snake to scare the members on an almost daily basis
- It's just because he wants to show off how close you two are as a couple

Lee Know
- Protested at first saying you already had three cats, but one pout and he was convinced
- Guess what? You got a fourth cat!
- It was a kitten, and he could tell you were nervous about introducing her to his cats
- But they loved the new kitten! Lee Know had his camera out the most, filming their cute interactions and smiling the whole time with you
- He loved not only how cute the cat was, but how happy you were, and how much time extra he got to spend with you
- "So we're like, cat parents, yeah? Honestly who needs actual children, we've got these babies here."

- The day you told him was the day you adopted the pet, because honestly he was just excited you wanted to do something like that.. with him!
- You adopted a puppy and this man.. he literally almost shoves you out the way
- Like he is absolutely IN LOVE
- You honestly feel replaced for a little while, but eventually he moves aside so you can take care of the puppy too!
- When you do though, he just admires you
- "You'll make an amazing Mother one day Y/N."

- Thinks you're replacing Kkami for awhile, but when the pros outweigh the cons he's happy to do it
- "Kkami is so much cuter"
- He almost keeps repeating that as if to believe it himself when you adopt the puppy
- You caught him lacking the next day 💀 he was trying to kiss your dog whilst Kkami was IN THE ROOM
- You ended up having to look after his dog as he practically stole your dog you adopted together
- All was well though, as Kkami and the puppy turned into best friends!
- "Kkami is still wayyyy cuter."
- "Sure, sure."

Han Jisung
- Would be researching literally everything before you even go adopt the animal
- When you decide on a hamster, he's happy as long as he can name it
- He tries to name it Han 💀 but you both agree on something else, because really
- The hamster always goes to seem missing, but one trip to his entertainment company and you know exactly where your pet is
- He's really excited, not only because he loves hamsters (they kind of look like squirrels y'know?) and because it makes the both of you feel like parents!
- "I am the best Hamster daddy ever. Fight me."

- Deep down he would be happy with any animal, but we all know what he wants
- As soon as he realises you're adopting a cat, he bounces up and down with excitement
- When you've adopted the kitten, Felix is all over them, making sure they've got the appropriate toys and food
- You would hope the cat was as cuddly as Felix was 👽
- "We'd make the best parents! Ah, stay away from those wires!"
- Sometimes you think Felix thinks the cat is an actual child, but you find it adorable so you shrug it off
- "I would say getting our cat is the best day in my life- OW- okay second best day, gosh."
- It probably feels like he loves the cat more than he loves you sometimes 😭

- Only agreed because you said you would get a puppy, so of course you had to hold up your end of the deal
- He tried to contain his excitement, but he was a smiling giddy mess
- His camera roll would contain way more pics of your dog than of you 💀
- It made you happy to know he was happy though, so that was okay!
- He would spoil the dog, playing with it and taking it on walks daily when you were busy
- "We have to give him the best life possible! No I'm not spoiling him.."
- Despite all the exercise, your dog probably gets a little bit chubby due to all the food Seungmin feeds him 👽 but that's alright!
- "Imagine life without our child. I couldn't, personally."

- he thought you could have a fox as a pet, and he was so upset when you told him it was illegal 💀
- But instead you bought pet mice, not realising he was terrified
- It took a lot of warming up, but eventually he was very hands-on with the mice, all fear gone
- Even though it was an absurd animal, Jeongin was absolutely in love
- He wanted you to adopt more than the three you already had, so by the end of the year you ended up with six
- "We have our own army! Just imagine if we got even more!"
- You and him had even been teaching them tricks, and you admired being able to be so close to him, and his patience
- "Ah she's so silly! But I suppose she's probably tired, yeah? Let's put her away and then we can cuddle!"

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