_+*Festival Preparations*+_

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(Yuri POV)

We're all walking home together. Natsuki and Sayori are gossiping about..us of course, they never really talk about anything else besides Manga, Literature and the biggest school events.

Monika leans her head on my shoulder and hugs my arm tightly. I gently rest my head onto hers and listen in on Sayori and Natsuki's conversation.

"Okay, but if anyone would try to hook up with Monika Yuri would beat their ass even though she's shy AF." Natsuki says.

"How do you know?! Maybe Yuri wouldn't even know someone was flirting with her!" Sayori replies.

"Do you know how scary she is? That bitch has a whole knife collection." Natsuki says with a tone.

I snicker to myself at that last part.

"I kinda forgot about that to be honest, eheh..." Sayori chuckles slightly.

"Anyways I-" Natsuki stops speaking.

We all look at her. She squints and extends her neck forward.

"What are you looking at?" Monika let's go of my arm and places her hands on her hips.

"Monika aren't those your parents?" Natsuki points in the direction of a couple.

"The hell are you talking about??" Monika looks in the direction and squints as well.

Pretty soon we're all awkwardly squinting at a couple that we think is Monika's parents. We decide to approach them slowly, Monika being in front as the rest of us are behind her.

As we get closer, we come to find that they are indeed, Monika's Mother and Father.

We all stare for about a minute when Sayori's cheerfulness takes over.

"HI MR. AND MRS. SALVATO!!!!" Sayori screeches in our ears, rapidly waving her arms at them. Sayori rushes past us and cheerfully talks to Monika's parents.

The three of us make out way over. Once we make it, Monika hugs both her parents tightly.

I smile at the sight, Monika seems so happy..

"So Mom, Dad. What brought you both back into town?" Monika asks enthusiastically.

"Well, we came back to surprise you at the festival! We saw fliers in the window. But..we also just missed our little girl." Mrs. Salvato smiles warmly.

Monika blushes at the last part. "C'mon Mom.." Monika looks away.

I look over at Natsuki, I can tell she's resisting the erge to burst out laughing. Sayori is just being her happy self.

"Oh Mom, Dad!" Monika grabs my hand and pulls me forwards. "Yuri and I are..dating!" I blush heavily.

"What?" She smirks at me then looks back at her parents, they seem somewhat surprised.

"Monika, we knew you weren't straight but..we never thought you would date your best friend?" Mr. Salvato scratches the back of his head.



Mrs. Salvato looks at Monika and I. "Monika what your Father was trying to say is that, yes, it sure is a surprise to know this, but we're proud of you, sweetie." She ruffles Monika's hair slightly.

Monika smiles, but then thinks for a moment. "Where are you guys gonna stay?"

"Well, like your Mother said we were going to surprise you, so we would have went into your house and just, stay there, y'know?" Mr. Salvato smiles.

𝕋𝕠𝕘𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 // 𝔸 𝕐𝕦𝕣𝕚 𝕩 𝕄𝕠𝕟𝕚𝕜𝕒 𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕔Where stories live. Discover now