A Maid For Mr. Arrogant- chp 6

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Chapter 6

---Caleb's POV---

I stared out into the star filled sky from the balcony of my study. I found it quite calming to do so and it cleared my mind of all the hassle I must go through during the day. The ominous glow of the moon helped in the cleansing of my mind and after the night I had I needed a thorough scrubbing. Everything about her was intoxicating; her smile, the way her face went when she thought I was being arrogant, the subtle smell of lavender that surrounds her . . .  Xia was definitely a piece of work. For the whole night I had to fight to expel every thought of her that I had. She's seemed so fragile. How was it possible for someone with so much talk to be so timid and vulnerable. Maybe her bravery was nothing but a front, but why would she need to put up one? What happened to make her this way? Why did I even want to know so much? Why did I care?

I chuckled to myself as I realized my own shelfish desire which brought her here. I could easily have had the car repaired without her money but at the moment I was overcome by a strong desire to annoy her and ultimately have her. A desire that I still don't understand fully. Whatever the case I can't lay a hand on her. I refused to make her cry again.

A knock at the door drew me out of deep thought.

"Master Caleb would you like me to turn over your sheets or will you not be going to your room tonight?"

I sighed inwardly, just another maid. I had grown tired of them all. "Um no I'll be staying in here tonight. That will be all." There was silence as I waited for her to close the door and leave. I didn't usually find myself in my room these nights. I almost hated that place. I first found out that my wife was cheating on me in there. Now I can't bring myself to even staying in there for very long. I wonder which maid is forced to clean it once I'm done venting. . .

---Xia's POV---

The next morning I rose before the sun was in the sky. Even though I knew it was early I willed myself not to go back to sleep. I was determined not to miss breakfast this time. I sat watching the clock until it was time to start getting ready. When it was time I jumped up and hurried to the dining hall. I was the first person there and I grabbed a seat that I knew wouldn't put me near the maids who usually talk about me. A few minutes later the other maids began filing in. When they saw me they all began laughing with each other. They probably thought that I was such a loser for rushing to the dining hall or maybe they were laughing because of the reason why I rushed over her.

Jazelle walked in eventually and when she saw me I saw a satisfied smile come across her face. I looked down instantly. A plate was put infront of me and I mumbled my thanks. As I took up my fork the double doors swung open.


Aw man . . .

I loved the two, really I did but they chose the worst times to call on me. I looked up at them while slowly moving the fork of food to my mouth. Maybe I could pretend to listen while I subtly finished the meal. Glancing around while chewing I saw alot of eyes staring at me, most with contempt.

"Are you,"

"Ready to play?"

I dropped my fork instantly and stared at them in utter disbelief. They interrupted me just so they could play.

"Please?" They asked as they came up to the table. "Please, please, please, please!!"

"Guys I'm eating." I whined.

The two pouted. I stared back nonchalantly. The shot me disgusted looks.


"We can wait,"

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