The Start Of A Mistake

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7:31pm: Lecture Hall

These couple of days have been busy, as the upcoming school festival is around the corner. Me and Jisu were tasked with keeping the list of booths registered and supervise them during the festival. It was a hectic couple of days, I wanted get some rest and let loose, I saw Jisu talking to one of the committees, I head over to see if there was anything I could help. 


You guys need any help? 


Oh it's nothing, we're just talking, we found out that the cute senior I was talking about, he broke up with his girlfriend!

Chaeryeong (Non-chalantly)

Ahh, Yeonjun-oppa?

Jisu and Student

Yeonjun... oppa?


Oh, his name is Choi Yeonjun, 2 years older than us. I met him at the bar 2 days ago.

Jisu and Student



And you didn't bother telling me this?!

I was confused, it wasn't a big deal at all, at least for me.

Student (Excited)

H- how is he like? Is he really hot like they say?


Come on, tell us!


I don't know... He was, nice and friendly. He even walked me home.

Jisu and Student (Shocked)

WHAT?! H- he walked you HOME?!


And you didn't even bother texting me, I could've came down and have a look!

Jisu slapping my arm as she said that.


Ow... ow! What? It's not a big deal, he was just being nice.


Chae, no stranger, or a hot guy, is nice enough to walk a girl home if he could. That only happens if...

Student (Shrieks)


I facepalmed, this conversation is getting ridiculous.


Okay, this is ridiculous, I literally met the guy for 1 hour, nothing even happened, we didn't even talk much, okay? 

Jisu (Stern)

I Still Want You, Shin Ryujin (19+ ITZY Chaeryeong POV)Where stories live. Discover now