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We arrived at the airport about 15 minutes ago, the ride took around half an hour and yes, we left our car here as no one could really drop us off as they were either busy or couldn't be bothered to get up so early to just drop us off. Like why can't they just get up then go back to sleep, it's not that hard?

We are now about to check in but the queue is insanely long. I'd say it's going to take about an hour to get to the till. Oh well, this is gonna be boring.
Just as I was about to mind my own business I see a family standing near the queue, not in it just near, a few metres away from us, and It looks like they have a son who funnily enough, looks almost exactly like    b/f/n's crush. I'm totally gonna tell her about this as soon as she's up.
But genuinly I can't help but keep looking at him as I'm surprised at how similar they look, like I swear we even made eye contact a few times which was awkward, but it's not b/f/n's crush, I know that for sure.
Oh well, I doubt he'll be on the same flight as me anyway.

time skip

We are now here at the till and to my surprise it only took like 20 minutes. I saw the guy in the queue sort of close behind a few times but anyway, it's not important.
My dad dealt with all the suitcase stuff, I never know what's going on at this point.
Anyway after like 5-10 minutes we were done and we headed to security check which was kind of hard to find but we found it in the end and the queue there was also quite long but I overestimated how long it took last time so I'm not even say anything this time, haha.

And yet again it took a lot less time than I thought.
I'm the fourth one to go up after my mum and siblings with my dad behind me and the lady told me to go to number 4.
Ah that's right next to my mum!
"Hey mum" I made her jump a little as we were both putting all the necessary items in our trays.
"Oh hey sweetheart" she said back with a startled expression which made me giggle.
She then informed me that she would go through the body scanner, as she was finished, and she would meet me in the section after that to pack our things back into our bags, and I just said "ok".
As I was close to finishing with the tray thing, I was thinking about how I've got to go through the body scanner in a second too but I've got my earrings in, all six (three in each lobe). Well I'm not taking them all out just to go through a body scanner, they're gonna see my earrings anyway.
I even made sure of that by tucking my hair behind my ear.
Then I was also soon finished so another lady signalled for me to go through the body scanner so I obeyed but it beeped, obviously because of my earrings which she saw so she let me through and I thanked her politely.

After what felt like an eternity, I saw my stuff coming through. This is always the stressful bit, which side will it go on?
To my luck, it went on my side.


So I reached for my stuff, however it was set out in 2 trays so I quickly grabbed the stuff from one of them (the one with less stuff) and picked the other one up.
I looked around to see if I can spot my family waiting anywhere.
Felix waved from a bit to the left so I smiled at him and went over there.
"Oh is dad still there?" I questioned and looked back.
"Yeah he is" my sister answered.
Shortly later my dad also arrived.

After that Chae volunteered to put our trays back and then we headed off to the shopping bit where we could now pretty much chill until we have to go to our gate.
Our plane leaves at 5am and it is currently 4am so we're just in time really, we have about 30 minutes till we need to get going.
If I'm being honest we could've got up a little bit earlier cuz what if there was an even longer line for both the check in and the security check, but at the same time I'm not complaining since I didn't wanna wake up so early anyway so let's just call this luck.

We were just walking and then Felix spoke up.
"Ooooo who wants to go come to starbucks with me?"
"Meeee" I said eagerly.
"Anyone else?" he said.
"Well I'm sure we all want a coffee too right?" my mum asked my dad and sister.
They both nodded then my mum said "ok so would you two mind getting us coffees too? I feel like it would be a bit overwhelming if we all go."
Everyone agreed.
"Here's my credit card" my dad offered.
"Thanks dad!" said my brother.
We tried to feel bad but in reality we're thankful that neither of us have to pay.
Felix and I headed to Starbucks while the rest waited on some seats by the coffee shop.
The queue wasn't long as it had opened a while ago.
"What are you gonna get Lix?" I asked my brother.
"Mmmmm I think I'll get a caramel latte"
"Aa nice well I think I'll get a caramel frappe"
"Nicee" he then gasped "we forgot to ask them what kind of coffee they want, I'll quickly go ask, are you ok staying in the queue for like 10 seconds?"
"Of course" I responded
"Ok be very careful, I'll be back as quickly as I can"
He then practically sprinted to our family and came back literally within 15 seconds panting like a dog.
I mean this Starbucks is huge if I'm being honest.

About 5 minutes later we got to the till.
"Hello, welcome to Starbucks what can I get for you today?"
My brother then recited all of our orders.
Wow I gotta say he's got good memory for remembering 5 completely different drinks.
"Ok can I get your name please?"
"Yes it's Felix."
The barista then wrote it down on the cup and said "ok your total comes to ₩25,815".
So my brother payed using my dad's card and we got the receipt so we left to go wait for our drinks.
On the way to a close table I spoke us saying "Watch the name be like Jasper or something" I mentioned to my brother.
He laughed and responded with "yeah".

Round about 7 minutes later we heard the name Felix being called and we both looked at eachother in mild shock as they had gotten his name right.
So we headed over and got our drinks, putting them in cup holders. We got some straws, sugar and stirring sticks and headed off to where our family were sitting.
They all thanked us as we handed them out to them. Everyone except me and Felix (because ours is caramel flavoured) put sugars in their cups to sweeten the taste a bit and stirred it up.

10 minutes later

"Right should we head to our gate now?" my dad said out of the blue.
"Sure" everyone muttered.
We took our stuff and made sure we left nothing behind and then headed to our gate.

We made it in the course of 10 minutes meaning most of us had already finished our drinks by now, it was just our parents still drinking. We saw a lot of people already waiting and some were even already queueing.
We decided to sit down and wait until it was announced that we should line up.

5 minutes later we heard the speaker instructing us to start queueing to get on the plane so we all got up and walked over to the end of the line.

By now our parents have finished their drinks aswell.
We got in the queue and it took about 10 minutes for us to get through.

We are now walking through that tube thing to the entrance of our plane.
"I'm really excited" Chaeryeong announced.
"Same here" I said back to her.
"Me too" said Felix aswell.

We have now all got to our seats and to my luck I'm sitting right next to the window, suck on that fam.
The seating arrangement was firstly me by the window, my sister next to me and my dad next to her.
And behind Chae was Felix, while behind my dad was my mum.

After like half an hour of simply sitting there, we finally took off.

Jeju Island here we come!

a/n: ok who else went to the Ateez concert on April 30th? Cuz I did and I swr it was so good like it was my first concert so I was balling my eyes out in beginning the when I saw their silhouettes and everything. Anyway it was so so so amazing overall!!

word count: 1555

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