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y/n's POV
"Did u take my hoodie?!"
"No I didn't Lix, maybe-"
"Oh sorry bro, I took it but don't worry it's in the wash right now!"
So my sister took my brother's hoodie.
Not a surprise.
In this household, especially us siblings, take the other's clothes without even mentioning it until they realise and to be honest they don't even notice at all sometimes.

It's 5:30 in the evening right now and everyone's packing their suitcases and hand luggages because we're going on holiday to Jeju Island tomorrow. Now you might be thinking 'oh that's so nice', well think again cuz our plane leaves at 5am.
Yes you heard that right, 5 in the goddamn morning because it was cheaper or something.
Oh well, guess I'll have to suck it up cuz I probably won't be sleeping after that anyway no matter how long I sleep at night which probably won't be long, let me tell you that.

Now let me introduce myself; my name is Lee y/n, I'm 20 years old and I am per say the "youngest" of 3. I have an older brother named Felix and a twin sister named Chaeryeong who I both love a lot, along with my parents of course. We currently live in Seoul although we somewhat grew up in Australia which means we have 2 mothertongues; English and Korean.
Me and my sister are sort of known as "opposite twins", I mean don't get me wrong we aren't even identical, but its mainly because of the differences in the way we each dress and act.

Me and my siblings are like best friends so basically anyone who is a best friend of mine is a best friend of theirs and vice versa. Sometimes of course we have conflicts for dumb reasons (almost) all the time but that's just natural and it makes our bond even stronger if that's possible.
But since me and Chaeryeong are twins we have a different connection, not more just different from our brother.
Each of us kind of had our own best friends before everyone became one big group.
My first best friend was someone called b/f/n who I've been best friends with since I can remember.
Chaeryeong first had a best friend called Ryujin and they became best friends at around the age of 14.
Felix first had 2 best friends called Chan and Changbin and they have also been best friends for ages. It was just Chan and Felix at first but then Changbin chimed in which was so so nice.
Then all of us gradually became closer and closer, now here we are.
So all 7 of us treat eachother like real siblings, Chan being the oldest and b/f/n being the youngest.

Now a little more about myself, I get called a tomboy and I don't disagree as I don't act or dress like a 'girly girl' and I shop in the men's section most of the time. The way I talk, as in my vocabulary, also isn't necessarily what you hear a 'normal' girl talking like. Even my taste in men (/and women) is different. I don't know how to describe it but me and b/f/n have a quite similar tastes while my sister has a completely different taste.
Which is mainly why I get called different from Chaeryeong. She doesn't always dress like how I do and she also talks really softly and we have kinda different vocabularies.
My parents have claimed that my voice sounds almost exactly like if you were to combine Felix and Chae's voices; you'd get mine with a bit more on Chae's side but also with a quite large duality like Felix's.

Anyway, I really love to dance, sing and rap, but no one can beat my siblings and friends. They all do those things insanely well and say that I am just as good but I always deny it because although they're hobbies of mine and I think I'm pretty decent at them, I don't really think I can reach their level. I also found learning languages very interesting and so far the languages I am most fluent in apart from my mothertongues are German and Japanese. I am not completely fluent in either yet but I can definitely have some conversations in these languages. I am also trying to learn Thai and Latin which is going well I guess.

So anyway, as a family, we are going to Jeju Island tomorrow and we're all packing right now in our own rooms.
I'm just over half way though right now so I think I'm gonna call Chan only because 1, I am stressed right now dreading the fact we have to get up at like 5am and 2, it's sadly natural that I often stress about packing and Chan's a literal happy pill so why not.
I also just feel like talking to someone right now.

So I called Chan and set my phone up on my nightstand as I'm sitting on the floor and he answered after a few rings.
"Hey y/nnnnnn" he said gleefully.
"Hey Chaaaaannn" I said mimicking his tone.
"How are you?"
"Kinda stressed actually..."
"Oh my goodness" he gasps "tell me what's bothering you my dear y/n"
"Well I'm packing right now and I don't know what else to pack, I'm like just over half way done but I will probably empty it like 100 times later aaaand I also just wanted to take a break and talk to someone" I told him.
So he chuckled and replied with "ok I can totally help you with your packing but let's chat a bit first."
After that we had some random conversations then for about half an hour Chan helped me and I was completely finished all thanks to him.
"Thanks for the help Chris" I smiled at him.
He smiled back with his cute eye smile which never fails to melt my heart.
"Welp sadly I have to go now since we're getting up reeeaally early tomorrow and I need to get ready for bed" I said while zipping up my suitcase and backpack and- wow it even feels weird saying this at a time so early."
"Ok y/nie text me when you're there and most importantly, make sure to get some sleep, love you babygirl."
I swear, this man-
"Love you too Chris, see you"
Then we ended the call and I went to shower.

word count: 1098

Huh... | Stray Kids HHJ 황현진 FFTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang