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I decided to wear the same loose shorts that I put on at the airport, along with a white shirt and baseball hat. My brother also wore shorts, but with a blue-ish sleeveless top and a bucket hat. My sister wore denim shorts and a cropped top with some sunglasses.
"Is everyone ready to go?!" my dad asked from their room.
"Yeah" we all said so my dad responded with "ok we'll see you in the hallway then" we then heard the buzz signalling their exit of their hotel room, then the door shutting.
I grabbed my phone and said "off we gooo" in a sort of excited tone.
I unlocked our door since my key card was the most accessible.

"Ok so should we explore first and then have breakfast or have breakfast first then explore?" my mum asked as we were on the way to the lifts.

"Well I had a look through the info sheet and I think it depends on how long it will take us to look around because the buffet closes at 11 then reopens at 12:30 but that's for lunch so we have about 2 hours to get breakfast." Felix pointed out.
There was a moment of silence and you could hear our brains ticking "Ok then I think it's best if we have breakfast first cuz we don't wanna risk it haha" my mum stated then we all agreed and headed to the ground floor where there was a mini buffet.
"Oh this isn't the buffet I was talking about but we can still eat here." Felix thought out loud.
We were walking to the stands when my gaze drifted to someone and I couldn't believe my eyes. I had to do a double take to make sure it was actually real.
It's the guy from the airport...

My eyes slightly widened and I just stared at the ground not daring to look at him, not wanting to risk making eye contact.
I'm definitely telling b/f/n about this as soon as we're back in our hotel room. Wait- would it be loyal of me to keep something like this from the others? Yeah no, I'll just tell all of them. And that obviously includes siblings aswell! I'll just start a call on the group chat and inform them all at the same time.
I went inbetween my siblings and put my hands on their shoulders closest to mine. I leaned closer to which they understood the assignment and leaned closer too.
"What is it?" asked Chaeryeong lowly.
"I need to tell you guys something as soon as we're back in our room."
"Ok but why can't you tell us now?" asked Chae desperately.
"Because...I can't risk a single person hearing."
"Is it something bad?" Felix asked with a slightly concerned tone.
"No but it is quite a shocker." I responded firmly.
"Ok we'll try make things quick without making it obvious" said my sister.
We all nodded and then Chae immediately went up to our parents telling them we should have breakfast quickly so we can look around as soon as possible.
Smooth, sis. Smooth.
She came back and we smirked. You might be thinking, why are we acting like this is some sort of spy mission? Well to answer your question, we always act like this and have since we were very young because for whatever reason, we enjoy doing these things haha.
Anyways, we all sped up to get our food and looked for a table. My parents started leading us towards a table near the guy and his family.

This is bad.

What am I supposed to do?! He cannot catch me staring. I can't help it, he looks way too similar to b/f/n's crush! Ugh I can't let my siblings know yet, what do it do?!
Ugh guess I'll have to deal with it because we're already here.

I tried not to stare and it actually sorta worked. I'm pretty sure it was because his family were surrounding him, with who looked like his sister, in the seat next to him and also because my family were talking so I just joined in every once in a while. I think any of them would even ask me what I'm staring at and tease me if they found out before I tell them the truth about it.
Well this is gonna be a great 3 weeks.

time skip

In under an hour we were done eating, looking round and coming back to our hotel room. I did not expect that but I needed it to be quick anyway so-
But seriously, this hotel is so beautiful I don't think I've been to a building so magnificent in my life.
So we arrived at the hotel room and Chae immediately spoke "so what is you wanted to tell us y/n/n?"
"Come here" I signalled for them to all sit on my bed as I made a call on the group chat with b/f/n, Chan, Changbin, Ryujin, Felix and Chae (although my siblings declined the call as they were right next to me).
"Why are you calling all of them?" questioned Felix.
"Cuz I need to tell them too Lix, especially b/f/n." I muttered the last bit.
"Sorry?" he said just as Ryujin thankfully picked up.
"Heeeyy" she greeted us and we greeted her back.
Just then everyone else also joined one by one (iykyk). They all greeted us and I got straight to talking.
"So basically, there's something I need to tell you all, including you two." i pointed to my siblings. "So we were at the airport in Seoul and we were queueing for the check-in and I was about to mind my own shit when I saw a family standing cluelessly near the queue like 10 metres away from us. Then I saw a guy within that family that looked exactly like b/f/n's crush-"
"WHAT?!" she yelled. "WAS IT HIM?" she asked.
"No, and I know that for sure simply because of a few differences in small details on his face. He also looked a little bit shorter."
"Oh ok so-" b/f/n proceeded to say something but I cut her off. "wait I'm not finished!"
"Ok so carry onnn" Ryujin said impatiently.
"So then I kept staring at him-"
a moment of silence swept upon us as she was looking at me suspiciously. " I swear I don't find him attractive, plus why are you saying oi, you've got Riki dumbass!"
"Ok you have a point, keep going."
I rolled my eyes somewhat playfully but carried on "SO I saw him again in the queue a couple times but that didn't bother me too much since I was sure he wasn't gonna be on the same flight as us anyway but guess what? We arrive at the hotel and come downstairs a couple hours later to eat and I see that exact person sitting in the buffet!"
Some of them gasped, typically b/f/n.
"How come we didn't see him?" asked Chae.
"I don't even know." replied the freckled boy on my left.
"Well I don't know what to say cuz I think I would be waffling right now if you hadn't made that point earlier." b/f/n said matter of factly. "but the main question is does he look better than Riki? I mean I'm sure he doesn't but just asking."
"How would I know, you tell me." I answered.
"Well I certainly can't tell you if I don't know what he looks like." she mentioned.
"Yeah that is true y/n/n, you guys should try sneaking a pic of him." said Chan.
Mine and my siblings' eyes widened. "are you crazy oppa?! we're gonna look like creeps!" yelped Chaeryeong.
"Not if you don't get caught, you won't." said Changbin like a genius.
"Wow, are you expierienced or something, oppa?" jokes Ryujin and we all laughed at her statement.
"Anyways, we know that hyung, but it still makes us look like creeps."
"But- nevermind, just do it for our little b/f/n/n."
"LITTLE?" she asked traumatised.
"Yah can you blame me, you are smol."
"Look who's talking." I chimed in, I just had to.
Changbin looked disappointed while Chan and Ryujin let out a breathy laugh.
"You know your smol too y/n." my brother started.
"Ok shut up" I said playfully "I'm nearly as tall as you."
"So are you guys gonna do it or not?" b/f/n asked pleadingly with those puppy eyes of hers.
"Fineee" the three of us said in unison and defeat.
"Thank you thank you thank you!" she cheered while clapping. Cute.

a/n: new character:

Nishimura Riki 西村 力- 17 years old ~ December 9th 2005- Extremely tall, like giant- Loves affection - Likes to be called Ni-Ki- Absolutely loves to tease/prank people - Doesn't show it too much but really does care so much for those really close to...

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Nishimura Riki 西村
- 17 years old ~ December 9th 2005
- Extremely tall, like giant
- Loves affection
- Likes to be called Ni-Ki
- Absolutely loves to tease/prank people
- Doesn't show it too much but really does care so much for those really close to him

word count: 1525

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