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The day the five of us had to meet up came by very fast.

My siblings and I are already getting ready to meet them and it's 10:00. We still have to have breakfast but we're getting everything ready first and then going straight after breakfast.
"Guys, you ready?" asks my dad from the other room.
"Almost." I say back. My siblings just say "yeah" and we all do our finishing touches and eventually leave. I'm dressing out as we are going out after all; I decided to wear loose black denim shorts and a shirt with one half of it coloured white, the other grey. I paired that with converse & sunglasses and boom, were done.

After breakfast we bid our parents goodbye and then went to the entrance of the hotel. To my surprise they weren't there yet and usually Hyunjin's early...

Minutes later they arrive.

"So sorry guys, Yeji was taking years to get ready." Hyunjin explained as he shot a glare at his sister.
"Its fine" said Felix, and me and my sister agreed, nodding.
"Anyways, let's go get a taxi." said Felix again. Unfortunately there weren't any for all of us to fit in, so we had to split up.
"You know, I think I'mma go with my girls." said Yeji putting her arms round our shoulders.
"Haha okay then, don't kill eachother boys. AHEM Felix AHEM." I said clearly targetting my brother so he doesn't say any weird overprotectiveass-brother-type shit to Hyunjin after he knows about us.
They didn't say anything and just got in, and so did we.

Chaeryeong, Yeji and I talked about random things in the taxi, mostly about how excited we were for the day.

Hyunjin's POV
When we first got in the car, the atmosphere was a little awkward as neither of us had anything to say. That was until a few minutes into the ride, Felix lowly spoke up.

"Say Hyunjin-ah, when we get back to Seoul, let's have a boys night sometime with you, me, and any of our mates." as he said that I swear his smooth yet low voice hit parts of my ear that have never been hit before-

"Awh, that sounds like a great idea." I smiled slightly and then he spoke up again saying "dibs not driving!". I got a bit confused and just said "what?"
"So that I can drink."
"Ooohh. Well in that case I'm not driving either."
We laughed at our antics and he said "I don't think Chan Hyung will be impressed. But then I think he's gonna be the one driving us cuz.. he's Chan Hyung." I laughed at his statement and then we continued to talk about random things throughout the ride, slowly knowing more about eachother. At one point we got onto the topic of y/n;
"Ya know, I'm happy for you and y/n/n. I know you two aren't officially together YET, but- but we all know it's gonna happen someday so ya know. Even if you two have not known eachother for the longest, you've been hanging out with eachother a lot and that definitely brought you two closer a whole lot. As of now I don't think there would be anyone better for her. Sorry I'm talking like you two are dating, but trust me, think of this as my word...as her older brother... in advance." he said, thinking hard at the last parts.
"Okay. Well thanks bro, appreciate it." I told him smiling sincerely as we first bumped. That was sweet of him. What a confidence boost.

Anyways, we continued talking about random topics and got at our first destination within half an hour.

y/n's POV
We got in the car and Yeji suggested "we should take selfies, the five of us, when there's like a really pretty view. And of course just us three too."
"Yeeaahh, oh my God, we should. And ya know what else imma do, put some stuff on my insta story." said Chae.
"Imma put stuff on my snap story" I said "but at the end of the day I'll also post stuff on my Insta."
"Ye same" they both said.
"Speaking of which, Yeji, we need your socials." said Chae "oh my God, true."

She told us all her socials and we added her, she added us back. We then proceeded to talk about various things until we finally arrived at our first destination. We were looking forward to the day ahead of us very much so we jumped out of the taxi, payed the driver and thanked him. We once again met up with the boys and went to our first destination; Manjanggul Cave.

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