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The waiter placed our foods on our table and said "enjoy!" and left us to eat. "Wow this looks amazing doesn't it? Hold on can we put them in the middle so I can take a picture real quick?" asked Hyunjin.
"Yeah." I replied and infact the both of us ended up taking a picture of the clearly appetising foods.
"Bon appetite" I said and he giggled, quite clearly failing to hide it.
I had hardly started eating when I got a phone call from my brother which made me roll my eyes. Can you blame me, I was enjoying my luxurious dish. I muttered a "sorry" to Hyunjin and he nodded an 'it's ok' in response so I picked it up.
"Hello baby sis, how's everything going?" I could practically see his smirk through the phone.
"Good thanks. Why'd you call?"
"Just checking up on you. Glad your not kidnapped or anything."
"Seriously Lix?"
"What I'm just glad your in one piece and everything! By the way, this guy's not a jerk or anything right?"
"Nooo, no he's really sweet." I caught him blushing a little at my statement to my brother.
"Okay good. Tell me all about it all when you get back."
"Okay I will. See you later!"
"Bye-bye!" and then I hung up and Hyunjin immediately asked "your brother?"
"Yep - being overportective. As usual." I said.
"Haha. Well he was just checking up on you wasn't he?"
"Yeah, but I was enjoying my food in peace and he interrupted." I said with utter sass in my tone to which Hyunjin laughed.
"To he fair I'm the overportective type too. Especially over my sister and those really close to me, so I can somewhat relate I guess." he pointed out.
"Oh God" I mumbled jokingly, Hyunjin let out a breathy laugh, and then we continued eating our meals.

We were finished with everything and we were also both very full. You could tell because we were both leaning against the backs of our chairs holding our stomachs.
"That was amazing. 100/10." I said taking my last sip of piña colada.
"Yeah it sure was."
There was a waiter near us so Hyunjin put his hand up and said "excuse me, can we get the bill please?"
The waiter replied with "of course. bare with me please." and then hyunjin thanked him. "I'll pay. You already payed for the bandanas." I asked him.
"Nooo I'll pay. I insist." he refused but I can't let him!
"Nooo, then can we atleast split the bill?"
"Fine." I could tell he resisted the urge to say he'll just pay - haha, y/n-1, Hyunjin-0.

Sooner or later the waiter came back with the bill. "cash or card?" "card" Hyyunjin replied to him.
"Okay I will be back as soon as I can with the card reader" with that she left. Ugh, more waiting.
I infact spoke too soon because the waiter was back within 5 minutes. Surprisingly.

"Will you be splitting the bill?" she asked us.
"Yes please" I said and she pressed some buttons on the machine. She then put the machine facing towards us and said "one of you may tap your card now."
Hyunjin signalled for me to go first so I did, then he went.
"Thank you very much the food was lovely." I told her as the both of us started getting ready to leave.
"No problem, have a great day!" she said and then we waved and left.
"That was really nice." I commented.
"It was." he agreed.
"So, ice cream now?" he asked me wiggling his eyebrows. Yes we are both full but there's always room for dessert, am I right?
"Yeah, lessgoooo!!" I said and pulled him along with me to one of the ice cream parlours. Wow, we met like a couple days ago and I feel so comfortable doing these things. I guess that shows how friendly and social Hyunjin can be. Doesn't even feel like I've only know him a couple days, feels like months, to be honest.
Anyways, we arrived at a nice little ice cream parlour and the queue wasn't that long so we stood in it while talking about what flavours were thinking about.
"Green tea sounds really nice. But so does red bean!" I complained.
"What if you just get both?" no that's too much.
"I dont knoooowww..."
He slightly chuckled then said "I'm getting rocky road."
"Oooo that sounds nice. I think I'll go with red bean flavour and next time I'll get green tea."
"Alrighty. Wait is that you asking me to come here again?"
I was taken aback by his statement but I joked and said "maybe" looking around the place.
"Aww that's sweet. I was hoping we could come here again too actually." I was, again, taken aback by another one of his statements, even more this time. I mean he is right. Hes genuinely really cool to hang out with. He's got a wonderful personality which simply just makes you want to be friends with him.
"Hehe, well when could we?" I asked him with slightly flushed cheeks.
"Any time is fine for me, I'm not that busy, I mean we're on vacation after all am I right?"
"Yeah haha."
A minute later we got to the till and Hyunjin told the man our orders and after that we waited a couple seconds to get our ice creams. We then exited the shop and slowly but surely, made our way back towards the hotel.
"We still have a bunch of time left. What do you wanna do?"
I looked at my watch after what Hyunjin just said and was surprised. All this took us just two and a half hours?! Wow, went by expectedly fast. We have 'till six. That's when I realised I gotta answer Hyunjins question.
"Oh uuuhh, I don't know."
"Should we go sit down somewhere where we get a clear view of the sea?"
"Yeah, that sounds really nice."
"So when should we do this again then?" he asked again.
"Ummm in a couple days? Like Wednesday? That's three days from now."
"Umm, yeah sure. How bout at midday again at the same spot? Hopefully then we can even stay a bit longer."
"Yeah, sounds perfect." I slightly smiled and he did the same in return.

Huh... | Stray Kids HHJ 황현진 FFजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें