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One month later

Hyunjin's POV
We had the massive sleepover with everyone a week ago and it was so damn fun. We played so many games and goofed about so much, and most importantly, we all got to know eachother better and truthfully, I can see us becoming one massive friend group very soon if I'm honest. Oh and it's not like me and y/n were caught making out when everyone was already sleeping. Or well, everyone but me, y/n and Han who was the one who caught us. His reaction was absolutely priceless though, one that I'll never forget, haha. He wasn't convinced that we weren't officially dating as well.

Which is partly why I'll be officially asking y/n out today. Again. The vast part of the reason is because I feel that we're both ready for an official relationship I mean come on, we have DEFINITELY lived up to the friends with benefits title if ya know what I'm sayin', now I think it's time we pull the plug on it.

This time I got her a promise ring with today's date on it and also a little butterfly carved on it, and mine has the same. I also got her her favourite chocolates and two bottles of cider for us to have a little drink as a mini celebration, I guess. I hope she'll love it.
"Oh my God I wish I could film it. She's obviously gonna say yes, why the fuck wouldn't she. You've practically been dating this whole time anyway." Yeji rants to me right before I leave the house to go pick y/n up.
"Hah. I'll tell you how it goes." I said.
"Good luck son. You've managed to get yourself the right girl, I can feel it." dad said to me.
"Yeah, I like her, she's so sweet and just overall you can tell she's well-raised. I'm glad that someone like her makes you feel this happy. Go get her Hyunjinnie!" mum said before hugging me. I then waved them goodbye and shut the door behind me.

Incase you were wondering, I'm taking y/n to a cliff side and asking her out there. That's not the only reason I'm taking her to such a cliché place though, it's also 'cause I believe treating your girl regularly is essential and I personally feel rewarded whenever I make y/n feel happy and I know for a fact this will make her feel just that, so I'm very excited.

Once I pulled up in her driveway I rang her to let her know I was there and she came out within only a few seconds. She looked gorgeous. Well, she always does, but anyway, she approached my car and opened the door to get into the passenger seat.
"Heyyy." she said.
"Hiii. How're you doing?" I asked her with a smile stretched across my face as I started the car.
"Very good, you?"
"Amazing. Seeing you just made me feel ten times better than I already was." I said to her, making her giggle.
"Same goes to you." she replied.

"So where is that you're taking me?" she questioned curiously.
"You'll see." was all I said as a response to that.

It only took about twenty minutes to half an hour to get there and it was nearing sunset when we arrived. Perfect timing. The weather was also just right to add onto that which made my plan even better.
"C'mon." I said, grabbing her hand gently and leading her into the woods which led to the cliffside.
She kept ranting on about how she thinks its all a prank and that she just wants to know what this is immediately and all that stuff. I just told her to be patient 'cause we'll arrive in only a few minutes.
When we arrived it took her a moment to take in the scenary, which was beautiful by the way, but when she realised where we were, she gasped and covered her mouth.
"You like it?" I asked her, not knowing I had a smile on my face as I looked at her.
"Like it? I love it! This is beautiful Hyunjin!" she said in awe, admiring the view.
"Hehe, great to hear you like it." I said.

So I started a conversation with her and when I thought it was the right time, I smoothly changed the topic and started talking about when I first asked her out in Jeju.
"You know when I first asked you out in Jeju and we said we'd give it time 'till we're both ready for a relationship and 'till then we'd be friends with benefits? Well I personally think we've definitely lived up to that title by now, so let's try this again shall we? I think we've got to know eachother so much more over the past couple weeks and it's been a game changer and words can't describe how much I love and appreciate you so y/n, for the second and last time, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her while holding up the box with with the ring in it.
"This time, of course, I can't say no." she said without hesitation.
"Oh my God Hyunjin this is beautiful." she said, admiring the ring infront of her. I took it out the box and placed it back into my pocket and then I grabbed her hand and slid the ring onto her finger.
She then pulled me in by the back of my neck to lovingly kiss me. We remained like that for a couple seconds then pulled away and looked into eachother's love-shot eyes.
"I love you so much Hwang Hyunjin." she said to me while while having the biggest smile on her face.
"I love you too Lee y/n." I said back.

The End

a/n: aaand that's the end of the book! I rlly hope you guys enjoyed it!!! Now that this book is over, why not check out my second book, 'I'm scared but I'm Ready'? I promise it's just as good, if not better than this one.

Word count: 1031

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