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y/n's friends picked up one by one, all greeting her, and her greeting them back.

Wow she's got a lot of friends.

I'm not surprised, 'cause she's really bubbly and nice, and- ok yeah you get the point.

Anyways, once the last person answered y/n asked them "so how you all doiiinngg?" and they all responded with something positive, and this one guy was drinking what looked like coffee and he said "I'm tired as fuck but other than that I'm good."
"Aight, so guys. I have a special guest."
They were all so curious as to who it was. Haha, I can already tell this is gonna be good.
She just smirked even more and then put the phone down so I was technically in frame but she was covering me. She then uncovered me and said "ta-daaaa" while wiggling her fingers.
I just giggled and said "hi."
Everyone greeted me back then the guy who said he was tired said "Your Hyunjin right?"
"Yeah, I am." I responded. They went into a whole fit that I'm 'the Hwang Hyunjin' hahaha.
"We'll start with telling you our names, Hyunjin. I'll start. I'm Seo Changbin." said a cool-looking guy.
"I'm b/f/l/n b/f/n." said a younger looking girl.
"I'm Shin Ryujin." said a girl with a nice voice.
"And I'm Bang Chan, but you can call me Chris too, I don't mind." said the guy who said he was tired. He had pretty fluffy-looking hair.
"And of Course you've already met us." said Felix who was with Chaeryeong.
"Well it's great to meet you all." I smiled at them.

"When were you born, so we know how to address you?" asked b/f/n.
"20th of March, 2000." I said and off they went.
Ok hold on- I gotta take note of this- here's like 6 of them, can you blame me? I quickly got my phone out and made a note and started jotting down:
"I'm your Hyung, 11th of August 1999." said Changbin.
"17th of April 2001, so I'm your dongsaeng." said Ryujin.
"17th of December 2004." holy fuck "of course I'm your dongsaeng." said b/f/n. No wonder she looked much younger than us.
"I'm your Hyung too. 3rd of October, 1997." said Chan.
"We were born in the same year, I'm September 15th 2000." said Felix and then I spoke "okay then we'll just speak casually" I let him know.
"Yup" he said popping the 'p' and slightly smiled.
"And obviously I've got the same birthday as y/n, so I'm your dongsaeng." said Chaeryeong finishing off the greeting part.

Okay, let's hope I remember all this.

"So I wanted to tell you guys a little story." spoke    y/n.
"Okay go on." said Changbin, urging her on.
"Ok so we were sitting here and Hyunjin asked me where I live. I'm like 'Bupyeong-Gu' and he's like 'no fucking way', and then he goes 'i live in Bupyeong-Dong'."

It sounded like a party because of how crazy they all went. When it died down a bit, y/n continued.
"And then we were shocked like 'how have we never seen eachother' and shit like that."

Right after she'd said that I got a text from Seungmin.

Yo, Hyunjin-ah, could we have
y/n's number?

"Hey y/n, can I give Seungmin and Jeongin your number, they're asking for it."
"Sure, go ahead."
once I got her approval, I sent them her number.

Sure, here it is:
xxx xxxx xxxx

🦊Baby Bread🍞
Thx Hyung



After that, I put my phone beside me and got back into the conversation with y/n and her friends and we talked for about 45 minutes more until we decided to leave to have some (late) lunch;
My stomach grumbled and y/n noticed. Well that's embarassing.
"You hungry?" she asked me.
"Yeah." I responded quietly still feeling embarassed.
"Do you wanna go have lunch?"
"Ok then" she turned back to her phone "guys, were gonna go because we want some lunch." y/n said to her friends.
Everyone said "ok" or "alright" and then before we all say bye, Chan asked "oh Hyunjin, could we have your number? You seem like a cool guy."
"Yeah, sure." I said with no hesitation, they seem cool too.
"I'll put it in the chat then." said y/n.
"Alright then, bye you two." everyone else said bye and we left the call.
"Where do you wanna have lunch?" she asked me as she was, I'm assuming, putting my number in their chat.
"I found this Japanese place that's got some really good reviews and it's not far." I told her.
"Ooooo, okay, let's go there then." she said and then we left, leaving the AC on so the room doesn't warm up while no one's here.

We were walking to the restaurant and I realised, I'm confessing to y/n tonight and I need to know some stuff before I actually do it.
"Do you have any recommendations on what flowers to get for someone special?" I asked her, making it seem like I'm getting it for someone else.
"Well, I'm no expert in gardening, but what I can tell you is that a good option might be one that doesn't die too soon because the longer it stays, the longer you can cherish it, especially if it's from someone special to you."
"What's your favourite?" I asked her, hoping she would take this as her simply giving me advice.
"Fringed tulips." she said matter-of-factly.
"Alright, thanks."
"No problem oppa." she said.

Okay, step 1 is ticked off.
Honestly, I'm nervous about confessing to her.
What if she doesn't like me back?
I don't know what I'd do.
Well the best thing I can do at this very moment is have hope that she'll accept my feelings.

The rest of the walk there, we talked about random stuff, and we arrived within 10 minutes. Not gonna lie the restaurant looked pretty packed, but let's hope we can get a table.
We stepped inside and waited for a waiter to come get us. Shortly after, one came and welcomed us and we greeted him back.
"Do you two have a booking?" he asked.
"No unfortunately we don't, is there any chance you've got a table for two?" answered y/n.
"Yes we do indeed, please follow me." he said and we did so. He led us to a table somewhere in the back and we thanked him. He gave us our menus and said "I'll come back to get your drinks in a couple minutes."
"Okay, thank you very much." I said and he smiled as a 'your welcome's and left.

a/n: ok so I may or may not be planning on publishing another book in the next couple weeks 👀

word count: 1141

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