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I'm currently packing because I'm leaving to go to Hyunjin's place soon for the sleepover. I seriously cannot wait!!

"Okay so we got toothbrush, pyjamas, underwear, skin care set, airpods, phone charger, ... what else?" I thought out loud "I'm definitely missing something." I started to search through my room to try and figure out what I was missing.
"Ah! Socks!" I said as I finally cracked the code.

"Okay. I think I'm ready." I said to myself. I took my cardigan off a hanger and put it on and I also took a thin coat off just incase I would need it.
I went downstairs and started to put my shoes on.
"Ya all ready?" mum asked me.
"Okay. Have fun darling." she said and kissed my forehead after I'd finished putting my shoes on.
My dad also kissed my forehead and my siblings came and stood Infront of me like I'm about to leave for a week or something.
"You're growing up, panda." Felix said, calling me the nickname he barely ever calls me.
"Guys stop acting like I'm 15 or something!" I said to them and they just started laughing at me.
"Sorry, sorry." Chae said.
"Welp. I guess we'll see you tomorrow sis. Bye!" Chae said and hugged me. Felix then did the same and then said "have fun. Just not too much."
The last thing I did before exiting the house with excitement running through my blood is punch Felix's arm. I then walked over to the car and unlocked it and then put my stuff in the passenger seat. I then got into the driver's seat and quickly texted Hyunjin to let him know that I'm leaving before I turned on the car and left the driveway. I entered their address into the search bar on the car's satnav and it said the drive will be about fifteen minutes.

Longer than I thought, but oh well.

As soon as I arrived I practicalling jumped out the car and got my stuff and immediately knocked on the door. I nearly forgot to lock the car, but luckily I remembered right after I'd knocked.
"y/n/n!" he said as he opened the door seeming excited to see me and engulfed me in a spine-crushing hug.
"Hey oppa!" I said back with the same level of enthusiasm.
"Come in come in." he said, and so I went in, taking my shoes off. He took my stuff and I thanked him and then I greeted his parents.
"Hello, I'm Lee y/n, it's nice to meet you guys." I said bowing to them to show respect. I then shook their hands.

"Oh no need to be so formal with us honey, we've heard a lot about you" his mum told me with a warm smile carved on her face. I just laughed along, not expecting them to be like this.
"Please, make yourself at home." his dad said to me "lunch will be ready in about an hour. Do you like kimchi jjigae?"
"Yes, of course I do."
"Haha, okay great. I'll just give you guys a shout when it's done. Till then, you two have fun." he told us. Hyunjin and I then turned to get my stuff, and he took it all even though I insisted I'd take it, he still said he'll do it and that it's no big deal. He's such a gentleman honestly, I thanked him for it.

His parents are so sweet and nice, I swear they didn't stop smiling while talking to me and it made me feel a lot more at ease.
"Oh by the way.. I hope you like dogs." he said as he opened the door to his room. I gasped when I saw a super cute and fluffy black and white long-haired chihuahua. It was so so fuzzy and adorable!
"Oh my God!! What's his name?" I asked him.
"Aww, that's a really cute name. Hello Kkami-ah, I'm y/n. I hope we can get along well." I said stroking him while talking to him in a petite voice as if he was a real person.

Hyunjin's POV
She's so adorable. I couldn't help but giggle at her cuteness as she was talking to Kkami.

See- he already likes her more than me, wow.
"So where am I gonna be sleeping?" she asked me.
"On my bed." I said.
"Wait what- then where are you sleeping?" she asked me again.
"On the spare mattress." I said.
"Noo, no no no no no no no. I'll sleep on the mattress, you can sleep on your bed." she said, opposing the idea of sleeping on my bed.
"No, trust me it's fine. You can sleep on my bed, I'll take the mattress." I said to her, and then muttered "unless you wanna sleep in the bed together."
"I said unless you wanna sleep in the bed together." I said, feeling completely shameless at that point.
Her face went red and she smiled, and looked away. Again, how is she so cute?? Goddamn it, I love making her flustered. This is why it's one of my favourite things to do.
"I-I mean... I don't mind." she said quietly not making eye contact and still smiling. I could tell she wants it, she just doesn't wanna say it, so I decided to tease her a lil'.
"Actually nah, I'll just sleep on the mattress. I don't want to accidentally take up the whole bed. I tend to be quite fidgety in my sleep ya know." I told her with a teasing smile plastered on my face.
"No- I mean.. I just don't want you to be uncomfortable on the mattress, that's all."
"Are you sure that's all?"
"Y-yes, I-I'm sure!" she said going even more red.
"I'm sorry, I'm just teasing ya. I didn't wanna make you uncomfortable by saying 'oh we're both gonna sleep in my bed'. But is it okay with you then?" I asked her.
"Yeah but only if it's okay with you too." she said.
"'Course it is. And if my family question it, we'll say one of us got scared and had a nightmare or something, and just wanted comfort."
"Okay." she said.
"So what do you wanna do while we wait for the food?" I asked her.
Just then there was a knock on my bedroom door.
"Come in!" I yelled to whoever was there. The door opened revealing Yeji.
"Yeji-ah!" y/n went up to her and gave her a hug.
"Heeey! How are you y/n-ah?" Yeji asked y/n cheerfully.
"Well thanks, how are you?" y/n asked her in the same tone "I'm good too, thanks." she replied.
"Sorry I couldn't say hi to you earlier I just got home from hanging out with Minho and Jisung, or should I say third wheeling them. Kidding, we had a lot of fun." she said.
"Nah don't worry about it." y/n told her.
"By the way, I don't know if I'm meant to tell you this but I'm gonna, so Han said that you two should start dating IMMEDIATELY because he said that at the meetup he forgot that you two weren't official yet because of how close and cute you two looked." she told us.
"What, really?" I asked her with wide eyes, and y/n too was looking at her with wide eyes.
"Yes, really."
"Take that as a sign, baby doll." I said to y/n.

Jesus Christ that came out cornier than I thought it would. Luckily it was funny.
The three of us burst into laughter after I said that and Yeji jokingly said "UMM I THINK I'LL LEAVE YOU GUYS ALONE FOR THE TIME BEING" and then she slowly left with a cheeky smile on her face. The main thing I noticed is that y/n's cheeks flushed red which just made her look so cute. She's already cute naturally but such little details can make her even cuter.

"So what should we do?" she asked me.
"I don't know, you tell me, you're the guest." I told her.
She hesitated for a couple seconds until she finally said "ooh! You may not like the idea so just say so if you don't, but can I do your hair?"
"Hmm.. what do I get in return?" I asked her teasingly.
"You get to do my hair too!" she said to which I just replied with "fine." and then she clapped and told me to sit on the floor. She sat on my bed right behind me and I could hear her picking her bag up off the floor and rummaging through it. Her little grunt when she picked it up was adorable, hehe.

"What are you thinking of doing?" I asked her out of curiosity.
"Hmmm, I don't know for sure maybe just like plaits. It would be so cute if I put your hair in dutch plaits! Wait no actually I'll do one going through the middle." by her saying that I already mentally facepalmed but it's impossible to say no to her so that practically left me with no choice but to let her.

"So. Question. Have you ever dated someone before?" she asked me out of nowhere which caught me off guard.
"Um, yeah I've dated two girls in the past but the first one didn't work out because we both fell out of love and thought we'd be better off as friends and the second one cheated on me so.. yeah." I told her and I felt her movements on my hair freeze.
"y/n, y/n, calm down" I laughed at her outraged outburst "I was gonna break up with her anyways because in the end I realised she only wanted to date me for my looks and popularity."
"She wasn't the right person. God I hate people like that, I despise them. They're good-for-nothing dipshits." she told me.
"Tell me about it" was my response "now you tell me, have you ever dates anyone?"

"Yeah I had a boyfriend about four years ago who I realised was just using me as a showpiece and treated me like shit about a year into our relationship. And can I be honest, he was a terrible kisser aswell." she said which made me laugh at the end.
"How the fuck can anyone dare to have the guts to use you just to show you off? That's unbelievable. Those types of people belong in the trash. They're worth nothing but dust. You broke up with him right?" I questioned her.
"Yeah, yeah, of course."
"Good. Anyone who does that to anyone is worthless and retarded."
"Tell me about it."

"Okay, done!" she said "go check it out." on the inside I was kind of dreading how it would look, but I trusted the process. As soon as I saw it the first thing I thought was that I look like Elsa.
"Oh my God!" I said and covered my mouth.
"Haha! Do you like it?" she asked me cheekily.
"I mean to be fair, it ain't bad. You did a good job y/n/n I'll give you that." I said and put up my hand for her to high five. She high fives me then we agreed we're gonna go back because now it was my turn to do her hair. I sneakily grabbed two hairties from my bathroom before we went back in.

So we switched places and I went on to brush her hair.

Wow it's so silky and smooth. I never actually realised how beautiful it was too. Once I finish brushing it, I part it down the middle.
"What are you doing?" she asks me.
"You'll see." I said.
"Oh God." she mutters under her breath, but I just keep going.
I decide to put her hair into two simple plaits where the two front bits stay out.
As soon as I finish I say "okay I'm done. Go check it out!"

"Whaaatt??" is the first thing she says after seeing herself in the mirror.
"I mean, I like it but it's way out my comfort zone. But you did super well, like I like it and everything but it's out of my comfort zone. But you did so well, I did not expect anything like this, well done." she tells me while smiling.
"My sister actually taught me how to plait hair." I say.
"Really? That's cool."

"Okay before we take it out let's take some pictures." I say and then take my phone out. I snap some pictures, some with flash on, some with flash off and most of them turn out really good.
"Please send me them." y/n says as we start to take our hair out. Just then we hear my dad yell to us saying lunch is ready.
"One minute!" I yell and we both speed up.

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