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"But then again they do have a really similar taste so you never know, him and y/n could one day become something.. somehow- while I'm sure b/f/n and Riki would have something going on aswell."
"Exactly like have you seen the way he looks at her? And they're literally co-workers who work the same shift like three times a week."
"I knowww it's so cuteee but she's such a fool that she doesn't believe us when we tell her Ni-Ki is whipped for her in the same way she is for him!"

Wow what noises to wake up to.

I hear talking Infront of me. Of course it's none other than my dear siblings and as far as I can tell they're gossiping about mine and b/f/n's similarities in terms of taste in men.
I decided to give them a little shock as 'payback' per say, for waking me up to this.
I opened my eyes and loudly spoke "GOOD MORNING". They both got startled which was so entertaining. Man, I should've recorded it. Wait how would that be possible- anyway.

But back to what they were talking about-
"What the hell do you guys think your talking about?" I sat up against my headboard crossing my arms.
They both hesitated like they don't have a slight clue what I'm talking about.
"That's what I thought." I said playfully and they laughed along.
Ha what a great way to start off the morning.
Ok but seriously... what are they on about?...
Who is the 'him' that Chaeryeong was just speaking of? Now I'm really curious.
"Guys who are you talking about?"
"Ni-Ki and b/f/n" replied Chae as if it wasn't obvious.
"Well duh but who was the guy you said would...have..something- with me"
"Oh it's- it's no one" Felix responded clearly lying.
"it's no one my ass, who the heck is it?" as I was facing Chae a little more, I threw a pillow at her.
"Ok ok, it's the guy from the airport" It was Felix who spoke this time.
"HIM? what is going through your heads, my God." I mumbled the last sentence "how do you expect us to even become friends, magic?"
This time I threw a pillow at Felix for no specific reason and continued "you guys know, we can't keep calling him 'the guy from the airport' we gotta call him something a lot more simple to make our lives easier."
"Yeah your right" Chae said leaning back on her headboard.
We all thought for a good two minutes, you could hear our brains working.
"OOO!" Felix suddenly burst. Not only that, but with that deep voice of his on top of that.
"Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of me!" I told him as I had a mini heart attack and Chae agreed; we both jumped. "My soul left my body Lix." Chae breathed out.

"HAHA so I was thinking what if we call him browski? It's handy because if we use it, you can't even tell were talking about a secret person like it could be anyone you know what I mean?"
"I guess your right but why browski?" Chae questioned and we both looked at him with curiousity.
"I don't know I just like it haha..."
"Ok then browski it is." I said.

Later that day, all we'd done was have breakfast and chat in the hotel room until I wanted to go get some fresh air. Neither my siblings nor my parents wanted to join so I just went. Oh God, let's hope there's no one in the lift.
It opens and I see people slowly getting more visible as the doors gradually open. Man it's gonna be awkward. I mean atleast it's two people not one.
It was dead silent 'till my phone rang;
"Hello?" I picked up the call.
"Hey y/n/n!" b/f/n responded.
"Oh hey b/f/n/n!" I said back.
I put one of my airpods in to make things easier and then we continued to talk. Thank God she called, there would be fucking crickets otherwise.
"So what are your current thoughts on the guy? Also, just so you know we decided his code name is browski cuz it's easy and you can't tell were talking about someone secret." I told her.
"Oh ok and my current thoughts on him are that he's very handsome but he's older than me and it's not like were ever gonna see him again but he is super handsome so I don't really know but then again I find that Riki is still more handsome."
"Ah ok."
"Why you asking, you got a thing for him?" she asked teasing me.
"Nooooo. I don't think I do..." I muttered the last part.
"Sorry, what was the last part?" just then the elevator door opened on the ground floor and all of us got out there. Thank God b/f/n called, it wasn't so awkward.
"Come on it wasn't nothinggg"
"It's not important forget about it"
She hesitated for a second but then said "ok" in a tone of which I could tell she's determined to find out what I said.
"Ooo can I add everyone else to the call? There's something I really really need to tell you guys" she said with a tone of excitement.
"Yeah go ahead"
"Are you with Lix and Chae right now?"
"No I'm getting some fresh air so you can add them too. Or just one of them cuz they're together in the room right now."
I was steadily making my way to the pool area as there was a railing there which I could stop by at for a couple minutes.
Anyway they all picked up one by one and b/f/n started talking.
"Ok so there's something really exciting I need to tell you guys!"
Everyone was saying things like "go on", "say it, say it" and stuff like that repeatedly, including me.
"Ok ok, I'll just get straight to the point: I had a proper conversation with Ni-Ki today!!" she said trying not to burst.
"Ooooo was it like a flirty conversation or what?" Chan said teasing her.
"Haha no it was a conversation about...well it was basically us getting to know eachother better."
"Are you sure about that?" Changbin asked hear teasingly.
We all have so much fun teasing her.
"Well c'mon tell us all the details girl." said Chae, then b/f/n did as she was told;


Ni-Ki's POV

I just got in to work about 10 minutes ago and b/f/n should be here too. Hm wonder where she is.
"SORRY IM LATE" she came bursting through the door panting like she just ran a marathon. "What happened to you?" I asked her.
"Oh h-hi Ni-Ki. Um well I woke up late so.. y-yeah"
She's so cute. "Ok, relatable" I gave her a little smile and we got to work while still talking.
I don't think b/f/n and I have ever had a proper conversation like this but to be fair, it's nice. I got to know so many things about her and vice versa. She's just such a bubbly person and I definitely wanna speak with her more often. Wait. Should I just...ask her to hang out? It's gonna be nerve-wracking but I wanna spend time with her so...
"U-um b/f/n?"
"Do you wanna, um, possibly hang out with me, like, maybe.. tomorrow?"
"Yeah of-of course. How does tomorrow at 1 sound?"
"Yeah, perfect" I could feel my cheeks flushing red.
"Ok then, it's settled." she spoke then we got back to work.

end of flashback

"And we're hanging out tomorrow!!!" she full on freaked out from excitement.
"Ok well hate to be boring but I'm gonna go cuz I'm outside and its kinda loud right now."
"Do you want one of us to come down?" Felix asked worriedly.
"No it's fine Lix but thanks."
"Ok then be safe."
"Bye y/n" everyone said and I said "bye" back and left the call however I kept my airpod in as I wanted to listen to music.

I'm walking back from the railing near the pool now on my phone getting Spotify up so I can shuffle my playlist, until I bump into a rock hard chest and almost drop my phone. I want to get mad but I know I can't cause it's my fault since I wasn't looking where I was going.
"Oh shoot sorry about that I wasn't looking where I was going." I immediately said.
"It's ok neither was I" the other figure said.
We were both brushing ourselves off and I looked up and my eyes almost came out of there sockets.

Oh. My. God.

word count: 1497

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