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That's when one certain person popped into my head.


What would she say if I told her I'm head over heals for the guy that's nearly identical to her crush. I said this once and I'll say it again: I get that Ni-Ki is her crush but for one; Hyunjin and Riki look more identical than me and my own twin sister, and two; she said he's a 'backup' if things don't go the right way with Riki. I realise that's a bit..messed up but not in the worst way. I mean I like Hyunjin, not Riki, so it's all good... I hope. I don't know, besides, I said I'll keep my mind off this topic for now until things are cleared up. Plus, I'm in good terms with b/f/n so I can keep it chill. Speaking of which, I think I'll make a call on the group chat later because we haven't talked in a couple days, but right now we're at the beach so let's have some more fun!

"What do you guys want to do now?" I asked them. Silence kicked in for a fair few seconds and the only thing you could hear was the ocean, people having fun and the seagulls squawking.
"How about having some fun in the sea?" suggested Yeji.
"OH HELL YEAH LETS GO!" my brother replied immediately, quite excitedly. He also stood up straight away and ran towards the sea. I chuckled at his cuteness.
We all went after him and the water was quite cold to say the least and it took us a bit of time to get used to it. We were having a lot of fun, splashing water at eachother and stuff. I just know each of us had the urge to push someone into the water but we felt that would be too cruel since it is quite cold.
"Ay who wants to go in deeper?" I asked them.
"Definitely not me!!" replied my sister "neither am I!" Yeji said.
"Sure why not?" said Hyunjin "it's worth the risk."
"I would say yes, but it's already kinda cold and I don't wanna get frostbite so you two go ahead." my brother informed us "and be careful you two."
"Yes, Lix don't worry" I reassured him and Hyunjin nodded along.
"Alright, let's go!" said Hyunjin and we slowly headed deeper into the sea, little by little.
"Not as bad as I thought." Hyunjin spoke up.
"Just wait 'till we go deeper." I told him.

"YOU WERE RIGHT" aren't I such a genius? "I think my balls are gonna fall off" I laughed histerically at his hilarious statement. Although I also feel like my legs are stuck here. "I looked up a few days ago how warm the water usually is here and it said like 27°C (81°F); what the fuck is this?" I spoke.
"Not 27 degrees." I laughed a little at that. "I hope this question isn't too weird but can I hug you? I'm really cold but I also don't want to go back just yet, we only just got here." he asked me.
"O-of course." I felt a little flustered but I accepted becuase..who wouldn't? So we hugged and like before, it felt great, accept it was longer-lasting and felt a little..different- but in a good way. My hands were around his waist while his were around my neck and somehow I felt comfortable enough to lay my head gently in the crook of his neck. He smelt nice, like you could smell the beach but also a hint of chestnut and cologne.
Wonder what my siblings are thinking right now. If they're even watching this. Come to think of it, I damn well hope not. They would tease the shit out of me. All of a sudden Hyunjin spoke up, nearly ehipering "I hope this isn't awkward for you.." my response was "no, absolutely not. It's actually comfortable.." I felt shy saying that to be honest.
We stayed hugging in a comfortable silence for a couple minutes, forgetting about the cold water until I finally said "should we go back now?"
"Sure" he responded so we slowly broke the hug making eye contact in the process. As soon as that happened, it was like everything around us was in slow motion. Hyunjin then gulped and said "le-let's go."

With that we headed back to our siblings. "You, me and Chae are talking as soon as we get back to the room. There's multiple things we want to address." Felix whispered to me through gritted teeth. He seemed angry but not furious, plus, he mentioned Chae would be chatting with us too so I don't have to worry too much. I hope. Oh and of course I know what he wants to talk about; the hug. I'll literally tell them the truth, they know almost all of it anyway, I think Felix is just getting the wrong thoughts.
Anyway, we all chatted about random stuff while walking along the shore, but later Hyunjin & Yeji had to go because their parents wanted to go into town so we said goodbye and headed back to our parents.
"Hello guys, your back." said my mum sitting up from reading a magazine "who were those people?"
"The guy was the one I hung out with the other day."
"Aaaahhh ok and I'm guessing the girl is his sister?"
"yes she is."
"Who wants to get ice cream now?" asked our dad.
"ME!" practically all of us yelled "I'll stay here so no one steals out stuff. Can you get me a mango please" Chae volunteered to guard our spot so we proceeded to head excitedly for the ice cream parlour.
"Be careful Chae!" shouted my brother.
"Ha I will Lix." she yelled back with a light reassuring smile.

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