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Shit, shit shit SHIT.
The one person I am trying to avoid!
Wait, but why even is that?
"Um...miss?" I snapped out of my thoughts as he spoke to me.
"Oh-um sorry uh- are-are you okay, we bumped into eachother pretty hard." why are you stuttering y/n, why?!
"Oh yeah I'm fine, and I'm also very sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." he responded with his pleasant voice.
"No, me too don't worry."
"I'm Hwang Hyunjin, but you can just call me Hyunjin." he gave a small smile while holing out his right hand, and holding the books he almost dropped in his left.
I shook his hand and replied "I'm Lee y/n. Nice to meet you."
"This might sound weird as we just met but do u wanna go for a walk round the hotel?"
Ughhh y/n are you even doing the right thing? What the fuck are you doing? Is any of this even right at all- does it even make sense?!

Well, let's hope...

"It doesn't sound weird at all, sure." I replied back hesitantly.
We took our time walking in the direction he came from.
"So" he started while putting his books away in his little tote bag.
"How old are you if I'm allowed to ask?"
"Uh- I'm 20."
"Haha I'm 22." he said back like a little kid.
So I gotta use honourifics with him.
How am I even talking to him? Just seconds ago I was panicking about him being the one I'm trying to avoid but he now instantly seems so...unavoidable? If that makes sense?

"So let's ask eachother random questions cuz why not."
I giggled at his statement and spoke "alright I'll start" as I had something in mind.
"This is gonna sound a little straight forward, but I promise it's not in a rude way but why do you want to get to know me so much?"
"I don't know, I guess you seem like a really interesting girl" does he mean-
"Not typically as in the way you...dress or...you know but you just look friendly and give off good vibes. I don't know how to explain it much but that's all I got for now."
I shook my head 'ok' and said "ok I get that. Your go now."
"Do you have any siblings?" oh ok, he's going simple.
"Yes I'm per say the 'youngest' of three. We've got my oldest brother, Felix, who's 21, and my twin sister, Chaeryeong, who's older than me by 4 minutes. And incase your wondering, no were not identical."
"Ooooohhh interesting. Your turn then."
"Hmmmmmm... I don't know, can't think of anything so I'll ask you the same; do you have any siblings?" I asked him curiously.
"Yes I have a younger sister called Yeji who's 21."
"Ok soooo...OOH, is there any particular reason your on holiday here in Jeju?" Hyunjin questioned.
"Not really, no. We're just here 'cause we all have time right now, and quite a lot this time. We're here for the next 3 weeks."
"Same!" he was jumping up and down.

And our conversation went on like that until it was time to say bye.
"Um, just o-one quick question. C-can I have your number so we can stay in touch? I really enjoyed talking to you today, you seem like a genuinly brilliant person." he said screatching his neck avoiding eye contact and I blushed a bit.
"Haha, thank you. Also y-yes, you can have my number." I responded shyly to which he smiled and handed me his phone and I entered my number.
"Thanks, I'll text you when we get to our rooms." there was a ding on the 6th floor. With that Hyunjin got out and waved at me as I waved back.

So the question comes crawling back to me; why was I trying to avoid him in the first place?

word count: 665

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