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"Dinner's ready!" we hear Hyunjin's mum yell from downstairs, but we just couldn't get ourselves to stop. After two minutes we finally pull away and head downstairs but we try to disguise the heavy panting. When we arrived I seemed kind of shocked yet relieved that his parents didn't question why we were late. My mind immediately went to Yeji so my eyes travelled to her and she mouthed 'I handled it' and I mouthed back a 'thank you'. She nodded as a 'you're welcome' and then we got to eating.

An hour later Hyunjin and I found ourselves cuddled uo in our pajamas after a shower, just having a nice chat.
"Do you wanna start watching the movie now?" he asked me in a calm voice while stroking my hair.
"Yeah but don't you think we should make popcorn first?" I suggested.
"Oh yeah, of course! How can I forget about popcorn? Let's go." he said signalling for me to go with him to make popcorn.

We literally ran to the kitchen and as soon as we arrived, he opened a cupboard and took out three bags of popcorn.
"Oh we already have ready popcorn. Well we've got sweet and salty, salty, and toffee. Which one do you want?" he asked me.
"Hmmm.." I hesitated a couple seconds "toffee?"
"Let's get ourselves some drinks too." he said.
"What do you want? I've got Sprite, water, hot chocolate, Dr.Pepper, and tropical juice."
"Ooohh. . gotta go with the tropical juice." I replied.
"Coming right up!" he said like a bartender which honestly made me giggle a little.

He gave me my juice and poured himself a glass of Sprite.
"Do you want anything else?" he asked me.
"Nope." I said.
"Okay let's go then."

We arrived back in his room and we both put our glasses on the window sill which was right above his bed. He put the popcorn between us and got the remote to turn on the TV. Eventually he found the movie and as he clicked play, I opened the bag of popcorn and took a handful of it from the bag and started muching on it. It was actually really yummy.

It was about half an hour into the movie and Hyunjin and I were once again cuddling when we heard a knock on the door. He paused the movie and yelled a 'come in' to whoever was standing outside the door. It was his parents, coming to say goodnight to us.
"Goodnight you two, have fun." his mum said with a sweet smile.
"Yeah, just not too much." his dad said with a smirk.
"I'm just kidding," he started laughing at his son's reaction "goodnight."
"Goodnight." we both said.
"Oh, Yeji will come in a bit to say goodnight, she's just brushing her teeth." his mum said.
"Alrighty" I said while Hyunjin's response to it was "okie dokie".

Once Yeji came, she also said goodbye and guess what? She also told us to 'not have too much fun'. Can you believe it?
Anyways we continued watching the movie once again until an hour later, things were going fine 'till  I caught myself lost in the eyes of the boy whose arms were wrapped around me. He noticed in a fraction of a second. We stared at eachother's eyes and both got lost for a good few seconds, forgetting about the movie, forgetting about everything around us.
We gently placed our lips together and moved in sync, gradually building up speed. Things were getting heated to the max resulting in Hyunjin asking "are you sure you wanna do this?"
"A hundred percent." was my response.

I think you know where things went after that..

time skip

I wake up to the sound of yelling in the house. I want to check the time on my phone but I can't as I find myself trapped in a certain beautiful boy's arms. I gently remove his hands and succeed without waking him up and look at the time on my phone- IT'S 12:04?!?! Shit, we stayed up later than I anticipated. I closed my eyes and heaved a sigh, thinking back to last night. He treated me like I was a thin piece of glass. He was so gentle yet so good. He did say he won't be going easy next time though. Oh well, I'm not complaining.

I unlock my phone, seeing several texts from several different people. First one I see is a text from Yeji asking if we're up at 11:21. Well we are now. Well, atleast I am. I text her saying that and look around the room seeing clothes all over the place, which reminds me..
I quickly put my clothes back on and pick up Hyunjin's aswell, hiding it under the bedsheets.
Seconds later, the door starts slowly opening and Yeji peeks through.
"Morning." she says with a cute smile.
"Morning, unnie." I say, returning the smile.
"How did you sleep?"
"Not too bad, you?"
"Not too bad, not too good."
"How come?" I ask her curiously.
"Maybe bec-" Yeji got cut off by Hyunjin groaning and stretching his arms then opening his eyes, surprised to see his sister here.
"What are you doing here?" is the first thing he asks her when he sees her.
"Good morning to you too. I'm just here 'cause, well.. I'm here to complain but also fangirl." she says. We look at eachother confused and look at her, signalling to her that she can speak while Hyunjin propped himself up on his elbow and I put my back against the headboard of the bed.
"So um, you guys know you were really loud last night, right?" she says.
We both look at her in terror and shock. I cover my mouth and Hyunjin says "but we tried to be as quiet as possible!"
Yeji just shrugs her shoulders to that and gives us a look which says 'well, it's done now'.
"Oh no. Please tell me mum and dad didn't hear."
"No. I asked them-"
"YOU ASKED THEM IF THEY HEARD ME AND Y/N HAVING SE-" he cut her off, but then;
"Hyunjin keep your voice down." I interrupt him this time, covering his mouth.
"No! I didn't ask them like that! I asked them 'were you guys able to sleep last night like did you hear and loud noises?'. They said no, so you're very lucky." she said to us.
"Phew." we both sighed in relief.
"I got like five hours of sleep in total 'cause of you guys." she says, leaning on my stomach.
"We're sorryyy." I say and stroke her hair.
"Don't do that, that will just make me fall asleep."
"I don't mind you sleeping on me." I say.
"Well I don't wanna miss any more of my day so thanks but no thanks" she says cutely "welp, you guys get changed and come downstairs before mum and dad get even more suspicious of the two of you."
"Okay." we both obliged and then went to get ready.
We were brushing our teeth when all of a sudden I say "thanks for last night Hyunjin. It was... unforgettable."
"Thank YOU. It really was unforgettable wasn't it?" he says, and we look at eachother with a smile with our toothbrushes in our mouths. A few minutes later, we were pretty much done getting ready so we rushed downstairs and Hyunjin's dad immediately asked us what we were doing last night to be getting up so late.
Hyunjin only manages to stutter so I save him and tell his dad "we got caught up in watching movies abeonim, we're very sorry."
We both had our hands behind our backs waiting for the punishment but to our surprise, all we got was "fine, I'll let it slide. I know you're both adults but still, don't make it a habit moving forward, it's not good for you."
We still look shocked but apologise once more before we go and sit down to have breakfast- or in this case brunch.

We were calmly eating when Hyunjin's dad spoke out saying "we're going round your's tonight y/n, aren't we?"
"Yeah." I replied.
"Do you know what your parents are making?" he questioned me.
"I've got no idea, sorry."
"That's okay." he said.

word count: 1402

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