Chapter 5

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3 years later...

It had been 3 years already and this year Violet would already be going to Kindergarten. She was excited but nervous. Cheryl though she was not ready for her daughter to grow up so much.
Cheryl was happy seeing her daughter grow up but also sad cause she was already growing so fast.
She wasn't ready to see her walk into her classroom and also be alone for the rest of the day. Yes she could call her friends to hang out but she had work.
It was also her first day back to work in the office, she had been working from home sometimes but she was her own boss because she owner of the law firm where she was.
Anyways she wasn't ready to see her walk in the classroom and be gone for hours. But what she didn't know was that she would meet the love of her life that same day.

It was currently 6 in the morning, when Cheryl's alarm clock rang. She quickly shut it off to not wake Violet yet. Violet's lessons started at 8:30 am but Cheryl wanted to wake up early herself to get ready because she would also go to work.

She just laid in bed for a minute remembering how it's her daughter's first day at Kindergarten. She was ready but at the same time not really.

She stood up and went to her closet to choose her clothes. She picked out a white dress with different brown shade spots and with brown knee high boots.

After choosing out her outfit, she went to the bathroom, put her clothes ready for her on the counter and went into the shower

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After choosing out her outfit, she went to the bathroom, put her clothes ready for her on the counter and went into the shower. After the shower she put on her undergarments and did her morning skin care and brushed her teeth.
She then did a simple makeup look and then got dressed.She styled her hair and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

When she went out of her room, it was already 7 am. She decided to wake her daughter up at 7:30.
For breakfast she made waffles with syrup. The drink for Violet she would ask herself what se wanted.
When she finished it was time to wake her up. Cheryl went to her daughter's room, which was on the opposite wall of her own room and started to try to wake her up.

"Hi my sweet baby, wake up. It's your first day at Kindergarten," Cheryl softly said while caressing her daughter's forehead.
Slowly Violet started to wake up and smiled when she opened her eyes and saw her mother.

"Good morning mommy," Violet said.

"Good morning to you as well, but we have to get ready so get up and go brush your teeth okay and I'll lay your clothes on the bed and when you're ready, food is in the kitchen," Cheryl said.

Violet nodded and went to her bathroom connected to her bedroom to brush her teeth.
While she was getting ready in there, Cheryl chose her outfit. She picked out a green skirt with a white t-shirt.

 She picked out a green skirt with a white t-shirt

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(without the bag)

She laid them out on her bed and went out of the room herself, back to her room to pack her stuff.

Violet at the same time came out of the bathroom and put on her outfit her mom had chosen for her. After getting dressed she went out to the kitchen to find her mother in there ready and her bag at the door.

"Here's your food, your favorite but we don't have long," Cheryl said.

Violet smiled when she saw her favorite food like her mom said.

She quickly ate her breakfast while her mother was eating avocado toast.

They took their bags and went out the door. The Kindergarten was about 10-15 minutes away from their home and it was 8:10 currently. They drove there with quiet music playing and at an okay speed.


When they arrived, it was 8:20 and they went inside. They got the class number and went over there. Violet was excited to make new friends and play.

They arrived at the classroom with the director's assistant. There was a brown haired girl with pink streaks talking to an another woman in front of the door.
Cheryl thought it was probably another kid's parent. But when the director's assistant said it was Violet's substitute teacher because the other one is sick and she said her name, Antoinette Topaz, the girl turned around and smiled.
When I tell you Cheryl's heart stopped, I mean it. She couldn't keep her eyes off her, she was so gorgeous and hot, her pink plump lips, her brown eyes and of course everything else about her.

And it wasn't one-sided as well, Toni was also thinking the same about the other woman. When she turned around she expected to see another older woman with a child but she saw the most gorgeous human being in the world.

Cheryl heard them talking but she couldn't understand what they were saying because she was in her own world until her daughter tapped her leg.

Cheryl snapped out of her thoughts and looked at them and said," I'm sorry, what did you say?"
She was embarrassed and blushed when she saw how Toni looked at her but was still talking to the director's assistant.

"I was just introducing myself, so as I said I'm Antoinette Topaz, like Toni Topaz better but for the kids I am Ms. Topaz and i'm the substitute until the other teacher gets better." Toni explained while looking at Cheryl with heart eyes.

Cheryl stuck out her hand to shake Toni's and said, "Nice to meet you, I'm Cheryl Blossom and this as you I think already know is Violet Mae Blossom."
When Toni met their hands in the middle, they both felt the sparks. They pulled away and Cheryl was blushing yet again.
The bell rung and you could see teachers waking into the classrooms.

"Well the lesson has started so I will be taking her. The day ends at 1 pm today and also don't worry she's in good hands," Toni said smiling at the last part to reassure the mother.

And it did just that, Cheryl felt like she could trust her with her child. She bent down and said, "Okay bye my sweet baby, mommy will pick you up later okay? So have fun and I love you."

"Yes mommy, I will and I love you too," her daughter replied.
She hugged her daughter, stood up and watched her daughter go into the class but before she left, she could see Toni looking over her shoulder and smiling at her and then turning around and going back to class.

Cheryl walked away and thought how she had such a trust with Toni and a weird but good feeling with her, like she had known the woman for ages.
She continued walking away with a smile on her face and went to her job, already wanting to come back to see Toni again and also to bring her daughter back home and ask about her day.

AN: I hope you liked this, I tried to make it longer. Also FINALLY choni meets.

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