CH2: The Bus Ride

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If I may, I would like to pose this question:

"Are Human Beings truly equal?"


Nowadays, people never shut up about the need for equality.

A great man once said, "Heavens does not create one person above or

Below another."


As I was saying "Heaven does not.."




The Hell!

"What do you want Eiichiro?" I snapped. Ever since I sat by the window side, and trying to admire the view, This guy is constantly Poking my cheeks for no good reason.

"Nothing." He said, while scrolling the feed on his phone.

"Then why were you poking?" I inquired him, to which he looked at me with a bemused expression.

"You were thinking about that girl, aren't you Kiyo?" With a smirk he asked me, in a teasing tone.

Following his gaze I spotted a short girl with blond hair. They were cut in short, complimenting her facial features.

"Why would you think that?" I retorted. This was by far the first thing that I would think about, but I would like to know the cause of these developments.

"She's pretty isn't she?" His smirk widening. Clearly, he is trying to tease me. He does this sometimes to see my reactions, but unfortunately never succeded.

"I don't think Tsubasa would like that." I replied the teasing with my own.

"Wh- what about Tsubasa, Kiyo? What are you talking about?" He queried, looking flustered. Whenever I need to win an argument with him, mentioning her name really puts in a great advantage.

"Don't act so clueless." I sighed, it's really easy to read him, " You know she likes you, right?" I said, trying to end this baseless teasing.

"No, she respects me a lot, that's all!" He exclaimed. With visible confusion.

"You really think that?" I sighed, he is acting like he know nothing about it.

"Anyway, why do you think she likes me?" He inspected, hoping for an explanation I suppose.

"Keen observation." I replied, tapping my forehead. But it looks like Eiichiro had some other plans about our trip to school.

"How could you say that to me? Don't you remember the nights we shared? The times when I won't let you sleep? The room that we shared? Tell me its all a big lie to you." Eiichiro said, wiping off an imaginary tear. I could hear the two ladies giggling behind us.

Let me explain; We did shared some nights when he comes in to watch a movie or to play game.

He won't let me sleep unless we finish it, or else it won't be fun according to him. The room we shared because he always barges into my room when he is bored.

He is such a nuisance sometimes.

"Excuse me, but shouldn't you offer your seat?" A feminine voice caught our attention. On following its origin, we spotted a woman in her 20s dressed in a suit, while carrying an office bag. She was talking to

A blond boy wearing the same uniform as me and Eiichiro. He was sitting in a priority seat.

"That's a really crazy question, lady. Why should I offer up my seat?" He snorted, Challenging her to tell him what's wrong.

COTE: Imperfectly PerfectWhere stories live. Discover now