CH5: Miyuki Shiba - Our new school

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Miyuki Shiba POV

He won't look at me again today. we're starting high school this spring, but he still sees me as a child.

and here I thought I'd be grown a little. we're just ordinary 15-year old students. we're the same age but that's only for about another month until my brother's birthday. to hope for anything more than this..

would that be asking for too much?

"Excuse me, but shouldn't you offer your seat?" A lady dressed in a suit, standing in front, spoke to a boy with blond hair. He is wearing the same red uniform as the rest of us. There is an old woman standing next to her, shaking. Clearly having difficulty standing.

"That's a really crazy question, lady. Why should I offer up my seat?" The boy sitting in the priority seat retorted, with a grin. I looked at my brother, he is also observing the situation like me. But looking at her in that state, I can't wait any longer.

"Kiyo, I need to make a call. The tower's not good here."

The moment I was about to raise my hand, A tall boy stood up from his seat and started to move at the back. Seconds later, the second boy, with brown hair, also joined him, leaving his seat as well.

"Kiyo, why're you here?"

"The seats are not comforting."

The brown haired boy said, with a blank expression. I don't think the seats are uncomfortable. Maybe his seat is damaged or something.

"But the seats are quite comforting, you know." The boy asked smugly.

"Well, we are in a moving bus genius." The other boy defended himself, probably pointing out his own excuse.

Listening in on their conversation, it was clear that they both were not a convincing liars. A huffed bout of exhale came from beside me. Turning to my brother, he was shaking his head in a amused manner. Seeing his reaction, I cannot stop myself from chuckling as well. This situation was actually hilarious.

Amidst our moment, His phone rang silently. Raising an eyebrow over this unexpected call, he excused himself before turning his back to me to attend the incoming call.

After a while the bus arrived at the campus gate. I am currently waiting for my brother to finish his phone call. He is talking to the main house. I am so glad, they won't be disturbing us for the next 3 years.


Walking towards the hall in this wonderful campus, we spotted the two boys from the bus again. This time they were talking to a cute girl with purple hair. But, it looks like one of the boys is having an argument with the girl who is smiling, while the other one is keeping his distance from the two.


All of a sudden, the tall boy grabbed the girls... What is going on here?! The others are shocked as well! Is no one going to do something? I glanced at my brother for his guidance, but he kept his gaze straight, not minding the events happening next to us. As if this whole fiasco was not even worth considering.

"Just keep walking, Miyuki." He said in a calm tone.

Sensing his rigid stature, I too convinced myself that this whole thing was not something to get involved in. Following his advice, I, myself ignored them and kept moving forward.


Following the crowd, we were led to a huge building with its ceiling curving a little outward. Whether it was the architecture designed for space, or for decoration; I don't know. Hustling inside the giant gates, past the security, we arrived inside what looked like a Badminton Court.

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