CH7: Convenience Store

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Kiyo POV

Even though people said this place was tough, the entrance ceremony was the same as any other school's. Some important people offered words of thanks, and the ceremony concluded without incident. Then, it was noon. After we received some general information about the campus, the crowd dispersed.

70-80 percent of the students headed toward the dormitories. The remaining students quickly formed into groups. Some made their way to cafes, while the louder ones went out for karaoke. The hustle and bustle quickly died down. On a whim, I decided to swing by the convenience store on my way back to dormitory. Of course, I wasn't alone. Walking right next to me are the three boys and a Najimi having a conversation.

"Hey how about whacking your funny bone? Like, you're setting your phone down on your desk and somehow you just manage to slam your elbow down at the same time. It's the kind of pain that has you gripping your arm and writhing around as you grimace in your suffering."


Well, on our way to the dorms, Najimi suggested that we should play a game in which we would talk about the most painful experiences. At first, I thought that she was talking about the personnel problems or what not, but it turns out that I got the wrong idea about this whole situation. The boys were not in favour at first but in her defence she said it would be helpful in knowing about others and bonding. I still don't know how it works though.

"What about accidently biting your tongue? Even more painful than the fact that you just chomped viciously on your own sensitive facial flesh is the mental anguish of sitting there and processing the fact that you are such a stupid, dysfunctional human that you actually just bit yourself."

Following Karna's example, Eiichiro laid out an even more painful thing that you will criticise yourself for happening. I remember once having bit my tongue and also whacking my funny bone too. I must admit, these are not the things I would like to remember.

It turns out that this is my turn now, I should come up with if not more painful, than at least something to remember about the horrific accident. " For me, it would be stubbing my toe, It's really painful and also it just comes out of nowhere like a surprise but not in a good way." I said. Seeing the reactions of others, looks like I did well on this one.

"How about a kick in the balls then?"



Akabane out of nowhere suggested something really horrible that can shake any man around a huge radius if they even heard it happening. Out of the corner of my eye I can see the other boys visibly flinched at that, except Karma, who is smiling with his eyes closed.

Wait a minute, why did Najimi Flinched on this? I am still not over the things that happened when we were heading towards the Hall, but well let's not talk about it.

While the other three were having a conversation, We came across a convenience store on our way to the dorms. Through the glass windows you can see the neatly arranged shelves and the counter where people are lining up to buy their goods. It is packed with the students and staff alike.

"Oh Oh I know! What about when you go to the toilet and get your pp accidently trapped in between the pant zip? That would be an extraordinary feeling doesn't it?!"

Upon Entering the convenience store, Najimi coming up with a horrible experience forgot that fact and shouted the above statement with excitement as if she had won. Now everyone present in the store is looking at us with a disgusted yet painful expression as if we are the guys who go to the toilet and intentionally get our 'pp' stuck between our pant zips. No please we're not like that.

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