CH4: Introductions

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Kiyo POV

I disliked the entrance ceremony and imagined that many first year students probably felt the same. The principal and the students exchanged excessive words of gratitude, there was far too much time spent standing in lines, and, with so many irritating things to deal with, It all felt like a huge pain in the butt. But those weren't my only complaints. The entrance ceremonies for elementary schools, junior high and high school mean the same thing: the start of another major trial for students to enjoy their time at school, they must make friends, and there are only a few key days after the entrance ceremony to properly do that. Failure to do so signals the beginning of a rather tragic 3 years.

As someone who dislikes trouble, I decided I'd like to establish proper relationships. Apart from Eiichiro, with whom I've been friends with a year and a half, I need to be friends with some of my classmates as well. Right now, I am walking down the corridor being accompanied by Eiichiro, and the other three students I've met here.

Unfamiliar with the notion, I'd spent the day before in preparation, running through different scenarios, asking Eiichiro some tips to more social and the way in which, I should introduce myself. For instance, should I burst into the classroom and actively started talking to people ? Should I secretly pass around a slip of paper with my email address? Someone like me needed to practice. Because this environment is so different from the ones I've experienced thus far. Even in the Ayanokoji Household, There were not so many people I needed to interact with.

While we were having discussing the things about the campus and the ceremony we arrived at the door to the classroom that had a plate written Class A on it. I looked around, I saw that the room was already filled with the students. Looks like we are the last ones to arrive. The others were either immersed in their class materials, or already talking to other people. Perhaps they'd all been friends beforehand or had only recently gotten acquainted.

As we stepped inside almost all of them diverted their eyes on us for a split second. It felt really weird as if I am being alienated in this current environment. Najimi on the other hand looks rather happy, seeing so many people around. She bid us the four of us farewell and headed towards a group of girls who're having a conversation in front.

The four of us looked at each other and nodded, I walked toward the seat that bore my nameplate. It was at the back of the room, near the window. A good place to sit, generally. As I looked around, Eiichiro approached me waiving his hand, followed by the other two boys I've met.

"So, What do you think?" He asked me, probably wanted to know my thoughts about the first time being in a classroom. The other two looked at me, maybe to see if our thoughts about the first impression of this class are alike or not.

"There are more students than I expected."

"I never thought this classroom would be so.. Lively."

It was the red haired boy who was smirking looking at the classroom like that. Why is he smirking I wonder? Does he likes to make friends like Najimi? But he is not giving a vibe of being the friendly one. Well, what do I know about making friends, anyway.

"But Don't you think the ratio between boys and girls is equal?"

Pondered the white haired boy with a stiff Japanese accent. He did said that he recently moved to Japan, so that is the reason why? But, Now that he mentioned it, I also noticed this during the entrance ceremony.

"Coincidence, maybe?" Eiichiro asked

"Maybe, but it seems highly unlikely." I added. It might be a coincidence, but the chances of that happening in an entrance exam is next to none in my opinion. However, If the school boards already allotted the equal number of seats for both girls and boys to fulfill, then it might be possible.

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