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𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝟏𝟕𝐭𝐡, 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟏

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𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝟏𝟕𝐭𝐡, 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟏

Janet sat down on the bed and waited for Isiah to come out the bathroom. "So, you get the results?"

"Negative." Janet sighed in pure relief. "Oh my god you scared me there." Isiah playfully rolled his eyes and kissed Janet's cheek. "I don't see the problem, I think seeing you pregnant might be the sexiest thing I'll see in my lifetime."

"As much as kids cross my mind with you, they ain't coming this soon. Bishop is enough already."

"I don't understand, you said if I made you mine I'd get those kids."

"Yeah but what ring you put on my finger? Oh okay." Isiah just smiled. "Be careful what you wish for."

"Baby fever? You think Isiah has baby fever?" Magic nodded. "Cookie gets it sometimes. She'll get all giddy about kids and the next thing I know, I'm running to the store trying to see if we're about to be parents." Janet laughed. "Yeah, that was us earlier. But, how do y'all get rid of that baby fever?"

"I mean it comes and goes so you just gotta be ready for anything." Janet sighed. "Well, hopefully he don't slip up and have me pushing out babies."

"Don't speak too soon." Isiah walked out the lockeroom and kissed Janet. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah I'm ready." Isiah and Janet got in the car and drove home. There was a weird silence the Janet noticed in Isiah, but she didn't think much of it. After they got settled, Janet decided to call her mother.


"Hi mother, how are you?"

"Oh you know me, good as usual." Janet giggled. "Good, that's good. Mother I uh, I need your help."

"Oh my goodness, what's going on."

"I think Isiah wants to start a family with me." The line went silent for a bit before Katherine started to laugh. "You didn't realize that before?"

"Mother! I'm serious, I think he wants more children."

"Well give him what he wants."

"I don't know mother. I don't think kids are good for me right now. I mean I have a small amount of time before I start working again and I don't think I can handle work and a kid."

"Janet you're young, and I understand that you want to live your life, but it's time to settle down and start thinking about a family, maybe even marriage." Janet looked at Isiah who was looking at the drawing Bishop had given him. "He's a beautiful father, mother. He treats that baby boy like his own son and he gives him so much attention and love and-"

"And what? You feel like you don't? Do you forget I'm your mother Janet? You treat Bishop like he's your son with no questions asked." Janet smiled. "Janet, it's your uterus for crying out loud. Use it the way you want to and stop worrying. If you want kids, do it. But just remember, do it on the time you feel is right, not on someone else's time."

"You're right. Thank you mother."

"You're very welcome."

Janet watched as Isiah play with Bishop outside. "See? I don't know what I'm gonna do with them."

"Well, I think he's a perfect match. He loves you, kids, God, and wants to marry you? Girl you've got it made." Janet laughed at Tina. "Maybe you're right." It had been a minute since Janet last saw Tina so she decided to call her over for drinks. "I'm just afraid, ya know? He's the first man I feel like won't hurt me yet I fear it'll happen anyway."

"Well those fears can only last for so long. It's time for you to do the things that make you happy. I say, marry him, give him kids, and just fall in love with each other everyday until death."

"It seems that easy but I know it's not. I almost married Rene and God gave me the biggest sign why I shouldn't have."

"But Isiah isn't Rene and I can tell. He's a lovely man, and when you've got a lovely man, you have to hold onto them, because they can leave at any second." Janet sighed. "Look J, allow yourself this happiness, he's a really good guy, and I know for a fact he won't hurt you." Janet nodded and smiled. "I gotta go okay? I'll see you soon." Once Tina left, Janet walked outside with Isiah and smiled. "I ain't never seen him so quiet during his sleep." Janet laughed and sat on Isiah's lap. "I've been thinking about some things." Isiah looked at Janet. "I think maybe we can try for one baby." Isiah's face lit up. "What made you change your mind?"

"Some people gave me some really good advice. I don't want to try now, I know work will be too much on my body, but after my next album and tour, we can have a baby. Is that fine with you?"

"I think that's great but what about-"

"Marriage? Having baby in or out of wedlock doesn't matter to me, all that matters to me is the happiness we get from that beautiful baby." Isiah smiled. "I think you being Mrs. Thomas and having my child has got to be the best thing in the world to ever happen." Janet giggled. "I'm glad you enjoy that idea." Janet got off Isiah's lap and picked up Bishop. "Imma go put him upstairs, alright?" Isiah nodded and watched Janet go back into the house. He walked into the house and opened the record player. After Janet put Isiah down and tucked him into the bed, she walked back downstairs. Isiah picked up Al Green's 'Let's Stay Together' and placed it on the record player, letting it play. Isiah walked into the living room and Isiah held out his hand. "Dance with me?" Janet smiled and grabbed Isiah's hand. They slow danced in the middle of the living room.

He gripped her tightly and rubbed his hands down her back. He looked down at Janet and kissed her softly. Janet pulled Isiah upstairs and smiled. "Bishop is up here."

"You see how big this house is? It's soundproof." Janet led Isiah upstairs to another bedroom. "Let me make you feel good."

"You always do."

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐓𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋, 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐗Where stories live. Discover now