Chapter Twenty Three | Don't Be Emotional

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Chloe spent the entire weekend scrambling around and trying to piece together a cheerleading team. With all of the crap that has been going on at school and home, Chloe forgot about football season. Cheerleading tryouts were supposed to start weeks ago.

Actually, in normal cheerleading squads, tryouts start months in advance. Most of the time they happen back in March, but Chloe doesn't like that. What's the point in starting up things for the next year when the current year is still happening?

So, with her influence - mixed with her parents' money - she managed to convince the school to change tryouts to the fall. With one condition, that everything gets done by the end of the first month of school.

Because that is when football season starts up. And there need to be cheerleaders to cheer them on and hype up the crowd. The only good thing about being so delayed is that the football team is already figured out. They have all their players and have had them for months. Years even.

They didn't follow the new rules Chloe made, and quite honestly she couldn't give a shit. She doesn't influence them in any way, shape, or form. Nor does she want to. She has too much on her plate with cheerleading, being the queen bee, school, and home.

Most of those things she does half-ass anyway. But even then that's too much.

The football team is their own thing. All they care about is scoring enough touchdowns and making Dallon the most loved player of all time.

It's the only thing the entire school cares about.

Well, that and popularity. Including where the most popular people sit before school, and at lunch.

The common place.

Usually, it is Chloe who dominates that space with Ana and Mia. And of course Mia's boyfriend, Peter. And as of lately, Dallon. As much as Chloe hates to admit it.

But due to recent events, nobody has been sitting there. It was an empty table, right in the middle of the courtyard.

The cement seats should be clean, their initial engravings holding their spots forever. The cement table should still be clean and polished, maintenance always keeping it ready for their return.

The grass should still be mowed around it small and tight, just the way Chloe likes it. That way it won't make her trip by getting under her heels.

The surrounding tables would all be quiet, but full. Waiting for their queen to return - with or without her royal subjects by her side.

That is how Chloe had left it, and that is how it should be now; on her return.

Chloe skipped to the head of the lunch line - yes, the food at school is actually good, Chloe's parents pay good money to make sure of it. At the front of the line, Chloe grabbed her special lavender tray completed with a fresh strawberry balsamic salad, a strawberry lemonade, and a white rose for decoration.

Chloe's food was always good. That's what her parents paid for. They couldn't care less about what the other students ate. The only concern is that it was edible. That was a promise. It was the only way that Chloe could get good food if they promised to feed the rest of the students' something edible.

And the school can't complain because Chloe's parents make sure every student gets food. That's something they didn't do before. Who cares if it's not the five-star decorative meals that Chloe gets, at least they all get food and it's edible.

If they even attempted to complain, her parents could just hit them with the fact they fund all the school events and make all the fun things happen. The school would shut up right then and never mention it again.

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