Chapter Two | Don't Ask Stupid Questions

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Chloe sat at her desk in her English class on her phone, playing with her hair. Not bothering to pay attention to the lecture at all. In other words, it was a normal day.

As always, nobody wants to complain about Chloe. Simply because if they did, the consequences would be extreme. Nobody is exempt for this rule, not even teachers.

Chloe was going through Instagram to see the newest hundred likes from overnight when the door opened. Everybody turned to look at the door, besides her. Why bother wasting her time on somebody while hundreds of people are begging for her attention on her phone?

"Sorry I'm late, my alarm didn't go off," a deep voice came from by the door.

That sparked Chloe's attention. She quickly and not obviously moved her head in that direction. Once her eyes met the owner of the voice, she instantly got annoyed.

Dallon Kylander stood at the door looking at the teacher a bit frightened. For such a tough football player, he really gets scared fast and at nothing, Chloe thought wrinkling her nose and looking back towards her phone.

"It's okay Dallon, just take a seat," the teacher, Mr. Yates, said a bit annoyed.

Chloe had to fight the urge to roll her eyes. Of course, everybody on the football teams gets away with anything bad they do. If that was anybody else, they would have gotten kicked out of class for the day. Maybe even suspended. But no, football boys cannot do anything wrong and they have nothing to be punished for.

Even the cheerleaders get yelled at and punished for being late for class. Chloe, as an exception. Apparently being the cheerleaders of the very important football team means nothing. Nothing they do gets acknowledged.

Most people think cheerleaders do nothing. That nothing they do matters. Some even think they don't practice or train, instead just go out there and do random dancing without thinking.

If only they knew how much work goes into cheering.

Chloe had to change her thought process as she was starting to get super anger. And it is not good when she gets angry. Her face starts to get red, her skin gets scrunched, eyes close a lot and her nostrils get flared. Nobody should see that. Nor does she want anybody to see that.

Especially not in the middle of her English class.

She didn't have to change her thoughts, that was done for her when a bag slammed down on the desk next to her.

The room instantly went silent and Chloe straightened her back and stared straight ahead. Nobody takes the spot next to her. Everybody knows that Chloe needs to have open spaces surrounding her. There is never an exception, not even her friends get to sit next to her in class.

Slowly she looked up at the perpetrator, though it was obvious who it was. No one else has moved since class began, twenty minutes ago. As her eyes met his face, her disgust grew.

Why can anybody be that hot? And why is that wasted on the worst kind of person in the world? A football player. There are so many other people who could use and deserve those looks.

She started at Dallon, trying to get his attention. He has to know the rules. If not, that would be very bad.

His eyes met hers, and they started there. While she was staring, she could feel something in her, something she was chalking up to anger and annoyance. Those are the only emotions a cheerleader should have for football players in school and class.

Outside of school, that was a different story.

But Dallon, she will always feel anger and annoyance. That is such a long story that she doesn't want to get into.

"Dallon, if you would hurry up and take a seat? I would like to continue my lecture that you already interrupted," Mr. Yates said, this time his anger starting to become more obvious.

Chloe pulled her eyes away, rolling them in the process. However, she couldn't help but smirk a bit. Mr. Yates was starting to become her favorite teacher.

Anybody that hates football players instantly become her favorite people.

"Okay, class now let's get back to work," Mr. Yates said going back to the board.

The smirk was still on Chloe's face as she returned her attention to her phone.

"Hey, can I borrow a pencil? I forgot to bring mine," Dallon whispered leaning over her shoulder.

Chloe flinched away and crinkled her eyes, "does it look like I have a pencil?" She asked as she motioned to her empty desk and her phone in her hand. "Come on, seriously, don't ask stupid questions. It's not hard to use your eyes and answer that yourself."

"I guess not, never mind," he said quickly as he continued to dig through his bag.

Chloe's smirk returned to her face. Even the football players are scared of her. That has been the second-best thing that happened to her today.

The first was him getting yelled at.

"Class, can I have all of your attention please?" Mr. Yates asked.

Something in his voice meant that he was serious. That meant that even Chloe removed her attention from her phone and back to the teacher. She even put her phone on her lap and hands flat on her desk.

"Now, I already know how you are going to respond to this, so don't even start." Right as those words left his mouth, the groans of protest started. "I didn't even get to tell you what this is."

Chloe rolled her eyes. Sometimes - most of the time - her class annoys her. They can be so stupid sometimes. She cannot understand why some people are like that. Especially at this moment in time. The teacher told them not to talk, so what do they do? They talk.

"Could you please bring your attention back to me and listen to what I am saying," Mr. Yates demanded again.

Chloe's smirk turned into a small smile. This is definitely proving that Mr. Yates is her favorite teacher, probably in the entire time of her schooling.

"You guys are going to start a month-long project next week. I will tell you what it is at that time. Right now, I will tell you it will be a group assignment. And your partner will be the person sitting right next to you on your right.

Chloe's smile instantly fell, and her previous thoughts diminished. Nope, it's obvious that he is her least favorite person. Because he just paired her up with the only person she hates.

Dallon Kylander, the school football kicker.

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