Chapter Sixteen | Don't Confront Her

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"Come on, pour me another," Chloe said - no she commanded.

"For the last time, I'm not a bartender," the guy at the counter with the drinks said.

"You're still part of my staff somehow. So I want you to make me a drink," Chloe commanded once more, this time with her arms crossed on her chest.

"I'm not a member of your staff! Nobody is a member of your staff! Definitely nobody here! I don't know why you can't remember that or what my name is! Just because you forgot, my name is Micah! We have known each other for a long time!" The guy shouted back.

"Uh, yes you are. Everybody is part of my staff," Chloe exclaimed, ignoring everything else he said. She threw her arms in the air. The movement of her arms caused her to stumble backwards a tad. "Now do what I say."

"Why would I do what you have to say? Who cares about you?" The guy said, moving towards Chloe.

"Because everybody cares about me. I am Chloe Harris!" Chloe said, leaning forwards to wrap her arms around his neck.

"Don't touch me, you slut." The guy said dodging her arms, causing her to fall forwards and hit the ground. "Nobody cares about you anymore."

That caught Chloe's attention. She sobered up a bit as she sat up. "What do you mean 'nobody cares about me?' Everybody cares about me. I am fucking Chloe Harris."

"Gosh, can you stop saying that? I know who you are, everybody knows who you are. But nobody cares about you," the guy said rolling his eyes. "Why is it so important that everybody cares about you? Do you even care about anybody?"

Chloe reached out to grab the center island to pull herself up, but failed and fell back down on the ground. "Of course I care about people. Why is that any of your concern though?"

The guy nodded, crossing his arms, but careful to not spill his drink in the process. He didn't make any motion to pick her up or help her up from the floor. "Because if you want people to care about you, you have to care about people. Who do you care about?"

"I never have to make that effort. Everybody always care about me," Chloe rolled her eyes, crossing her arms herself. That is something she does when she is drunk, copy other people and mimic their motions.

Not that she really knows, Chloe usually has one drink a night when she is partying. And even then she is sitting there nursing it all night, barely drinking it.

But tonight is an exception. She has had a tough day, she needed to relax. Mia had decided to be a bitch, way more than Chloe could ever imagine Mia being, and way more than Chloe has been in her life. Mia decided to yell at Chloe - for no apparent reason - criticize her and strom off. All while ditching her and forcing Chloe to go to a party all by herself. Seriously who does that, Chloe wondered.

"Where is she?"

Instantly Chloe's face puckered up in the most unattractive, disgusting face she could think of. She recognized that voice, it was one she was hoping to never hear again.

No, it wasn't Dallon's. She still likes him. Like likes him.

Oops, that was the first time Chloe ever admitted that she liked Dallon. Not only that, but that was the first time Chloe ever admitted to having feelings to anyone other than her family. That's a weird thought, honestly. It for sure isn't a normal thought, people are supposed to like other people, even platonically. Loving someone more than that is even better.

But Chloe had never felt that way to anybody.

That was before she met Dallon Kylander.

Since that boy has walked into her life, demanded they do their homework - which they still don't know what it is - her life has changed. And right now, sitting on the dirty ground of some random kitchen in the middle of a house, Chloe is thinking it is for the worse.

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