what the hell did i write in this chapter...again

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Woo. A sequel

I wanna make a good ending for the Mako-chan mini series, so I'm gonna put more effort and take longer to make it. In the meantime, I'll write other stuff. 

Also I ran out of ideas for this series (wow so quickly). So I just got it from a generator. It should be good enough though.

Horikita: Is it hard?

Kiyopon: No not really.

Horikita: Now the question is, are you fast enough?

Kiyopon: Yep.

Horikita: Experienced in the field as well it seems.

Ryuuen: Monster sure has balls to go down in the kitchen.

Kiyopon: What the hell are you talking about Ryueen?

Horikita: Same question, Ryueen-kun. I was just teaching Ayanokouji-kun how to bake cookies.

Ryueen: Lame.

Next one

Kei: Where are you going?

Kiyopon: Hell, eventually.

(Don't be so edgy Kiyopon jeez)

Next one

Ryueen: We're having a moment, aren't we?

Kiyopon: If by 'a moment' you mean me not wanting to strangle you for the first time since the rooftop, then I guess we are.

Next one

Haruka: They... well, I wouldn't call it inheritance per se. What do you call it when you kill someone and get their stuff?

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