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I had gotten my first job, finally.

I was 17 and had seen a job in the newspaper. Normally, I would've just laughed at job advertisements, but now that I was actually looking for one, I scanned it as though it were the most interesting ad ever.

Freddy's Pizzaria! 

NIGHT GUARD NEEDED! Come to (company address) at 12:00am to start, or call (company phone number) to register first! 

Also normally, I was NOT the type to want to do a job like that. Hanging around at NIGHT, in some creepy empty store? No thanks! But my options were limited.

I strode up to the building. I'd called in earlier, and a tired, wary-looking worker had given me the keys just a few moments ago, before chuckling and driving off. Well, suck it up, princess- this is my job now, and I needed the money, now that I'm in a different state from my parents. I tentatively opened the doors, and shut them behind me.

I was in a pizzaria, that was for sure- plastic pizza decorations covered the walls, and the floors were black and white tiles that looked cold to step on. I walked over to a door labeled "security office" and went inside, shutting the door quietly behind me. Funny, in all the books I'd read and video games I'd played, I was never the actual security guard, always trying to get access to the security room by sneaking in or something. There were two doors, one directly on my right, one directly on my left, and a vent right behind me. Lovely, just great, I could be watched from three directions at once... Wait, watched? What was I thinking? 

I glanced at the clock. Twelve A.M. I had the feeling this was going to be a long night. I looked at the cameras and saw a animatronic, one of those things that had been in the ad picture... I stared at it. It was yellow, and very dirty, and kind of looked like a duckling or something. It's eyes were dark holes in it's metal face. I got a creeping feeling on my spine and spun around to stare at the vent behind me. Nothing. I looked at a different camera's feed- some giant horrendous looking bear thing was standing in the middle of the party room... Strange... I didn't remember it being there before, but I wasn't looking directly at the camera earlier, I could've just missed it. 

I glanced back at the duck-thing. Wait, had it's arm always had that peice of pizza stuck to it...? I looked away from the cams, at the clock. 12:30. Dang, time was going slowly... I looked out the office window on the left, to see nothing but the hallway light flickering. I once again turned my gaze to the camera feeds. I stared, my heart beating fast. The bear thing was GONE... I looked frantically around at the other cameras, searching for it-but it was nowhere. Then I looked back to the duck, and my heart just about stopped. Where there had just been two black holes before, were two, red, glowing points of light, one coming from each eyehole.

That's it. I jumped up and reached towards the right door, but suddenly a flash of glitchy white light shine on something in the hallway, something walking right by the window. Something HUGE. It was tall, maybe 7 or 8 feet. It had blue bunny ears on its head, and it slowly stopped outside my window and turned it's face towards me, revealing red eyes, just like the bird-duck things'. I turned around and slammed open the opposite door and ran down the hall as fast as I could. I ran right past the party room and straight to the front doors, and I tried to wrench them open before remembering I'd locked them. I scrambled around in my pockets, searching desperately for the keys. There!

I pulled them out and stuck them in the hole and turned them to the right, before forcefully pushing open the door and running out onto the street, unintentionally leaving the door open with the keys still in it. 

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