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Ten Years later.

Alex set the phone in the cradle and turned to his computer. That was Alice Hoppers eighth book and it was rolling up the best sellers list quickly. He typed a quick email to her telling her and then headed for his secretaries' desk. Pauline was typing away on her computer.

"Can you get Charlie going on a possible book tour for Alice and see if we can get a lunch with Greg from High Court if we can get a bug in his ear now, we can get her on his recommended list."

"Sure thing. Don't forget you've got that dinner with Laurel and Jake in an hour if you want to make it on time you need to get out of here in the next twenty minutes."

"Right." He checked his watch and headed to start collecting his things. Despite the warning and trying to hurry he got to his dinner ten minutes late. After shaking Jake's hand and kissing Laurels cheek he sat and raised an eyebrow. "So, where is he?"

"Where's who?" Laurel asked trying to be innocent.

"The man who has the fourth plate setting." Alex said pointing to the plate beside his.

"How do you know it's a man? Could be a woman?"

"If it's a woman you've not been paying attention."

"Well you're right. Here he comes." Alex was introduced to a handsome man around his own age, but he knew halfway through dinner that it wasn't going to be anything more than dinner. The guy was nice, but he wasn't someone he thought of as more than an acquaintance. As Laurel walked him out after dinner she sighed. "So, you're not impressed with this one either."

"He's a nice guy..."

"Just not what you're looking for. Yeah I've heard it before."

"And you keep trying."

"It's been ten years Alex I want you to be happy. Forget the asshole and move on to be happy."

"It's not about him."

"Yes, it is."

"No, it's not about him, it's about the lesson I learned. I wanted to believe him, I wanted to believe in the happily ever after and in the true love, so I let him fool me. I'm not going to do that again. I want someone who wants me and not my money." She stuck her arm through his.

"You deserve happiness." She sighed. "You know I'm not going to give up." she grinned, and he rolled his eyes.

"I know."

"Can we drop you somewhere?" Jake asked coming up after seeing their guest to a cab.

"No, I think I'm going to walk."

"I had a feeling you'd say that. have a good night." Laurel kissed his cheek and they got into a cab while he walked down the sidewalk. Laurel was right he did need to let the past go. Just because a man he thought he'd loved had only been using him didn't mean that all men were like that. Alex heard a thump then a whimper. He scanned the area around him and then looked down the alley that was close by. He searched the darkness and saw leaning against the brick wall a slumped over figure. he debated then started to walk on not sure it was worth the risk, but the figure stopped groaned and fell. Alex sighed. There was no way he'd be able to walk away now.He went over and carefully rolled the figure over and was surprised to see it was a very young man. Alex couldn't see any wounds but when he searched, he found a large bruise on his side that had broken open and gotten infected.

"Looks like you got the raw end of a beating. Better get you to a hospital." a hand shot out and grabbed his wrist.

"NO! No hospital. Just leave me alone."

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