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Liam lay in bed Alex leaned over him kissing him. Alex pulled back feeling his control at the edge.

"We should get some sleep." Alex said but Liam tightened his arms around him so that Alex couldn't pull away.

"Tomorrows the weekend we can stay up a little later." Liam raised his head taking another kiss.

"Are you sure?" Alex asked.

"Yes." He kissed Liam and for the first time let his hands wander. Liam didn't seem to mind as he learned out Liam liked to be touched. Alex kept his eyes on Liam as he caressed making sure those shivers were ones of delight and pleasure not of fear. Liam let his hands learn Alex the way he was being learned. Alex kept a steely hand on his own control. He'd bite off his own arm before he'd hurt or scare Liam.

It wasn't hard to feel the hesitancy in Alex touch. Liam wanted more. He'd be lying to himself if he said he wasn't afraid. He'd been hurt to many times to just have it disappear. But he wanted Alex. He was tired of the fear. He wanted to feel someone make love to him. He wanted Alex to make love to him. He captured Alex's hand and brought it down to the one area he'd been avoiding touching. Liam gasped as he closed Alex's hand around his length. Alex touched, fondled, caressed.

"It feels so good." Liam said clutching at the bed sheets. Alex let go only to move down and strip Liam's clothes from him. He laid his lips to Liam's length and kissed. His mouth was feather light then stronger as he showed Liam what it meant for a lover to care for you. "Alex please." Alex lifted up replacing his mouth with his hand.

"Please what? Tell me what you want. I'll do it for you."

"My... I want you inside of me." Alex stilled.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I want you so much." Alex left him momentarily and came back with a bottle of lube from the bottom drawer of his nightstand. He dropped it to the bed and laid himself between Liam's legs spreading him he licked at the tight pink pucker. Alex could see the light marks of scars where Joey had been ruthless and hurt Liam badly. Alex gave each scar a loving caress with his tongue. Liam was beginning to pant as Alex pleasured him.

"Alex, please." Alex took the bottle of lube and spread it on Liam's entrance. With a single finger he tested Liam's entrance and Liam's reaction. Liam grasped his hips trembling. "Yes, god it feels so good when you do it." Liam said. Alex moved up and kissed Liam quickly before pulling and pushing that single finger in and out testing him, teasing him. He slid another finger in slowly Liam gasped but didn't pull away from that entry into him. Alex begin scissoring his fingers, widening his opening. When he could thrust in and out easily he kissed Liam removing his fingers.

"It'll be easier this first time from the back."

"No. From the front." He had a brief wonder if that was how Joey preferred him. That was reason enough to never do it that way. Taking a pillow and placing it under his hips before laying between his legs. He kissed Liam, the response was hungry. He positioned himself and pushed forward easily, gently until he filled him. Liam was panting and gasping. "It feels so good with you. You feel so good. Alex. Kiss me." He obliged him with a smile. He'd been so worried about Liam's responses that he hadn't noticed how hard he'd gotten. How that one simple kiss ate at the control he had. He kept his rhythm as slow as his body would allow but he was close, all the prep on Liam had put him on the edge.

"God Alex, I'm not going to last." Liam said as Alex's hard length pushed in and out. He felt so full and connected. The feel of Liam's velvety channel around him had Alex groaning and grunting as he thrusted.

"Liam, I'm close."

"Alex..." Liam said pulling him down kissing him as his body rocked, his orgasm rolling through him. That tight channel flexing around Alex pulling him over the edge with him. Liam grinned and held tight to Alex as he was filled with Alex's cum. Liam was reluctant to let Alex go but he allowed his lover to roll to the side and help him get rid of the pillow. Liam just watched as Alex produced some wipes from that same drawer and gently cleaned himself and Liam. Catching the cum as it leaked out of the well stretched hole.

"You came inside?" Liam asked but he had felt it.

"Yeah. I don't normally do that but... what can I say I couldn't seem to do anything else."

"It's alright." Liam said rolling over and kissing Alex. "Fill me up anytime you want. Let me smell like nothing but you."


AN: Consent is important in any situation, be it intimate or in any other fashion. Allowing someone to force you into anything is wrong of them. Respect others, ensure they respect your own boundaries. Be sure to let those who have been wronged, assaulted, or harmed know that you are not holding that against them. Always respect NO in any situation. Be sure to help ameliorate, and help them do so in their time. Let them guide you in what they need.

Always make sure they understand you care for them, are not pressuring them, and you are standing beside them or supporting them if they need it.

Consent is Key. Caring is needed. Patience really is a virtue. Love, gentleness, and support can sustain anyone as they try to overcome trauma or hurt.

To those who have been harmed, be it mental, emotional, physical, or any other way... asking for help is NOT weakness. It takes great courage to stand and own your own harm and ask those you love for help.

Remember some things Eleanor Roosevelt said. -

"Courage is more exhilarating than fear and in the long run it is easier. We do not become heroes over night. Just one step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up, seeing it is not as dreadful as it appeared, discovering that we have the strength to stare it down."

"Surely, in the light of history, it is more intelligent to hope rather than to fear, to try rather than not to try. For one things we know beyond all doubt; Nothing has ever been achieved  by the person who says 'It can't be done.'"

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

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